Chapter 8 The First Night Back Pt. 2

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People rush out of the great hall with nothing, but exhilaration about the Triwizard Tournament. Everyone's either talking about putting their name in the Goblet of Fire, hyping up their older friends to do it or talking about the prize money. Fred and George are not the exception, especially since the money they won from Ludo Bagman has disappeared. They're still convinced that he gave them the vanishing joke galleons on accident, but Y/N's not so sure. She doesn't have the heart to tell them of her suspicions. They go on about the Triwizard Tournament's prize.

"One thousand galleons, one thousand!" Fred says as they walk down the halls

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"One thousand galleons, one thousand!" Fred says as they walk down the halls.

"That's exactly the kind of money we need right now." George adds.

"If we could just find a way to get our names into the goble-"

"Don't you dare!" Y/N tells them.

Fred turns to her. "What do you mean? This is our chance."

She shakes her head. "No, Fred. You heard Dumbledore, this tournament is dangerous."

"Oh come on, Y/N. We have t-"

She cuts him off. "Don't start with me, George. If I find out that either of you try to put your nam-"

Fred stops her in her tracks. "Are you gonna tell Dumbledore?"

Y/N gives him a look. "No. If either of the two of you try getting your name in that goblet, I'll tell your mother.

She walks away to walk with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. They seem to be in some sort of intense talk.

"I can't believe it. Our food is made from slaved labor!" 

"Hermione, you're still on this. You do realize that they just announced the Triwizard Tournament, right?"

She continues. "That's not the point, Ron. The point is that the house elves deserve to be paid and they deserved to be treated like any other employee!"

Y/N adds to the conversation. "Hermione, you do realize that some elves are just happy where they are and what they're doing. Don't you?"

"That's not possible, they could-"

Y/N continues. "It's true. We have a house elf at my house and she chooses to be there. We don't force her to. Solry's free to go whenever she wants to."

Hermione rolls her eyes.

She decides to change the subject. "How am I supposed to keep myself busy without Quidditch. It's one of the most interesting things to do at Hogwarts."

Harry nods. "I agree. I don't know what we're gonna do."

"Perhaps we should still hold some games just for fun. It doesn't need to count points up as a championship, but we don't want to completely lose out on Quidditch." Y/N suggests

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt