Chapter 17 Public Opinion

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Y/N sits on a bed in the school infirmary, waiting for Madam Pomfrey to get to her. If there's one thing that's clear to Y/N, it's that the school could use a second healer. Hogwarts has quite a lot of students for there to be only one. Even with the fewer students there are from the blip in time  where people weren't having kids due to the wizarding war. She's sure that if Madam Pomfrey was in need of or wanted help, there would be, but there isn't. So the healer must be fine with the amount of work that she has.

Madam Pomfrey's currently tending to some Hufflepuff guy's injuries from falling down the corridor stairs. There are two other students in there as well, but Y/N doesn't really look over at them. 

"Sorry Y/N, I'll be with you in a minute."

She looks over to the healer. "It's no problem, don't feel the need to rush."

She actually focuses out of the window. It's a rainy day, which is her favorite weather pattern to happen. There's something about rain that just feels very soothing to her. There's a calming feeling. Despite there being wind and sometimes thunder, also the sound of water hitting the roof, it still feels like the world goes silent. Like somehow everything seems quiet when it's raining. Y/N also likes the look of the world when it's raining. The colors of greys in the sky, and the look of the water droplets on the glass of windows. It all just adds up to be her favorite weather pattern.

"What are you doing in here?"

Y/N looks to the entrance of the infirmary. Draco's walking into the room, confused as to her presence there.

She gives a sideways and flat smile. "Oh um, nothing. Just um, nothing of interest to you."

He stands in front of and looks down to her. "Then why are you here?"

"Waiting for Madam Pomfrey."

"To do what?'

"Why do you care? Are you even supposed to be talking to me?"

He sits down on the chair. "Why wouldn't I be talking to you?"

Y/N looks out the window and then back to him. "Well I tried to physically fight your friend and now neither her or the others are talking to me. Plus I've been socially ostracized due to associating with Harry."

Draco stays straight faced. "Well I don't care much about what happened with Pansy and you're too interesting to be socially ostracized."

"Oh yeah? You know I went to the library with Harry yesterday and someone threw an apple at us

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"Oh yeah? You know I went to the library with Harry yesterday and someone threw an apple at us. I mean, someone actually threw an apple."

He gives one of those small laughs that are hidden among an exhaling of breath. "They threw it at him. If you weren't hanging out with Potter, than no one would throw apples at you."

She looks down. "I can't just not be his friend."

"Of course you can."

"I know that's the kind of friendships you have in Slytherin, but that's not how things work in Gryffindor."

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu