Chapter 36 Nebula

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The walk down the corridors feels blissful and euphoric. Though it was only a weekend that Y/N was gone, it feels like ages since she was last at Hogwarts. The only downside to getting back to Hogwarts is that she returns on the most chaotic and unwelcoming time of the year. She's returning right on time for exam week.

The halls are quiet and barren. As if no one had stepped into them for years. If there's one thing Y/N's learned since she first arrived, it's that exam week at Hogwarts is the worst and most grilling time of the year. The halls are silent, the library is full, and people forget to eat and drink, so the infirmary also has students going in and out.

Y/N had almost forgotten the sheer extremity that these conditions go to here. She's completely aware that she should be heading to hit the books, but she just wants to see someone first. One of the people who weren't aware of where she'd gone. Then again, no one knows where she went. Except probably Harry, Ron, and Hermione who likely asked one of the professors where she was.

So, she's going to the one place that she knew where he'd be. The one place Y/N's that Draco would and continue to go to for some peace and quiet. The Astronomy Tower.

The  climb up the stairway is as long and as tiring a usual. It brings joy to absolutely no one, which is what makes the top such a good place to be. No one wants to take that climb up there unless they have to. Unless of course they're Y/N and Draco, then it's just a place they go for peace. She's glad to be going to go see him. He's not always a perfect person, but no one is. They accept each other's flaws and difference in opinions. It's what makes them work, they're differences make them a good match. 

When Y/N makes it to the top of the tower, she's excited to see Draco, but she's disheartened to see Pansy. Her heart sinks and she feels like her lungs are being extracted from her chest. There her boyfriend is, reading a textbook and there Pansy is, sitting next to him. She's flirting with him as clear as ever. If she knows one thing right now, Parkinson's taken advantage of Y/N's absence. 


Draco's eyes look across the terrace to Y/N, knowing what she's thinking. Meanwhile, Pansy's looking at her like she's won this battle. And for one, she has.

"Y/N-" His sentence is interrupted by her turning around.

She walks out of that tower. She walks out and she doesn't wanna look back. The steps seem to be like a shorter journey than the way up. Well of course it is, it's a decline as opposed to an incline.

There's an annoying sound following her down it though. The sound of chatter.

"Y/N.. Y/N!"

"Leave me alone."

She continues walking, but so does he. Draco continues to chase her down those stairs like his life depends on it. There's one thing going on in Y/N's mind, and it's that this is her own fault.

She knew what she was getting herself into. She kissed him and she held hands with him, but she also spoke to him. Y/N allowed herself to get comfortable, despite knowing that Pansy would always be there. She knew that she'd always be there and she went forward with her decision. No matter how mad or jealous or upset he made her though, none of it is what's hurting her most. What's aching most is the fact that no matter what he does or what he allows others to do, she knows in her heart that she'll still care for him.


"I have an exam in one hour, Draco. And so do you. Then again, it seems you've been studying."

He tries to stop her as she makes it to the end of the stairwell. "Y/N, it isn't what you think."

She turns around. "And I'm not thinking what you think I am."

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Where stories live. Discover now