Chapter 39 Total Eclipse

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The sound of Draco's voice echoes into Y/N's ears. It's been like an hour since the champions had run into that labyrinth and it's been complete boredom since then. People have left to go get things, they've calmed down and basically people are bored, waiting for them.

Meanwhile, Y/N's taken advantage of the to vacant seats next to her. Not that they could be called seats. Technically, they're risers or gym bleachers. These one's are hard wood, but she doesn't care. About twenty minutes into waiting, Y/N lied down on her side, with her head on Draco's lap and fell asleep. 

She can hear his friends and him, talking.

"What do I do?"

"Wake her up."

"How the hell do I do that?"

"Just give her a shake."

"Have you lost your mind, she'll kill me."

"She's your girl, mate. If you can't handle her, that's your problem."

"I can handle her just fine, Blaise. But she's been in a mood for the past few days."

Y/N's waking up more as she starts to register who's speaking.

"Why's she in such a mood?" Pansy asks.

Draco makes some sort of motion. "I dunno."

Goyle interjects. "Oh, bloody hell."

He grabs Y/N's legs and shakes them. "Oy, Sparks! It's time to get up. Come on, Y/N, the cham-"

She doesn't even look to him, or open her eyes. "Goyle, Goyle, Goyle."


"If you don't get your nasty hands off me in the next five seconds, you won't have hands."

He seems to freeze and start counting. "one....two......three.....four..-"

She jolts up, pulling her throwing knife out on him and he almost jumps as she holds it right up to his nose. "BLOODY HELL!"

Draco laughs under his breath. "Can't handle the heat, Goyle?"

He defends himself. "Keep her away from me."

She puts her knife back into her heeled boot, where she pulled it from. "Oh come on, Gregory. You know damn well that Draco can't control me."

Y/N looks back at him and smiles. "No matter how hard he tries."

Pansy interrupts. "So, Y/N."


"Why so grumpy?"

"What do you mean, Parkinson?" She looks back.

The girl smirks. "Well Draco here tells us that you've been in a mood these past few days. Be honest, is it that time of the month?"

The boys each go pink and have shocked expressions on their faces. You'd think they'd all been pantsed the way they look.

Y/N looks around her to see all the boy's faces and it dawns on her that there's no need for this. "Actually, yes. But you aren't going to sit there and act like I need to be ashamed for it while you go through the same thing. So what, I haven't plastered on a smile while I'm feeling like crap. Move on."

She turns back around to look at the labyrinth entrance and leans her head onto Draco's shoulder, knowing that it bugs Pansy to watch. She can't do anything though because of her feelings for Draco. So there Y/N sits, leaning onto his shoulder and enjoying the moment.

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Where stories live. Discover now