Chapter 40 Finale

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The ceremony that was held at Hogwarts could be described as three words. Dark, dim, and devastating. Then again, what does one expect from an assembly to talk about a fellow student's death. It's not something a school ever wants to happen or something that a parent ever wants to experience. Y/N sat next to Draco and the other Slytherins for that, she didn't want to talk with anyone about it. At least not anyone who'd want to speak it out thoroughly or talk about feelings. She's not heartless or soulless, she just doesn't want to talk about it. The truth is that Y/N isn't so good when it comes to talking about death. She gets nervous about saying the wrong things or behaving the wrong way. It's just not something she wants to deal with and she knows that Hermione and the other girls are going to be talking about it too much. She could hang out with Harry, seeing as all he does is avoid talking about his emotions.

When she was in that assembly, Y/N sat there, thinking to herself about how they all got there. It's beyond her how things just manage to roll out the way they do. How they manage to end out a certain way. She had tears rolling down her cheeks at one point. She's not sure why it happened, but it happened. Everyone was extremely upset about the incident, so many people did cry. Maybe it was just a natural occurrence. Inevitable.

The sound of chalk, drawing on the blackboard is a continuous ticking sound. That noise of the chalk, writing letter by letter, word by word, number by number, and symbol by symbol. Along with that sound of the chalk is nothing, Without it, Y/N would be in total silence. If that ringing sound in one's ears can be listed under silence. So she stands there, writing with that little white writing tool and listening to the sound of it.

She mutters to herself as she writes down. ".....carry the two.........drop the nine........cary the twelve.........."

It's both peaceful and chaotic in this silent classroom. Y/N's lucky enough that Professor Vector hasn't come into the classroom. If she does, she might be concerned. The truth is that she didn't tell the professor before coming in to the classroom, but she needs to be here to use the chalkboards.

Y/N sometimes wonders how the wizarding world is stuck in a completely different century than the muggle world. You'd think with the advantages that wizards and witches have, they could be in some very futuristic life. Then again, maybe that's the muggle's advantage. Perhaps they need to have technology just so they can have some sort of their own advantage or step up. The truth is that she prefers the wizard world. At first, she missed having things like toasters, televisions, and modern machinery. But after living in it for a certain amount of time, you just get used to it. This different era Y/N and her family moved into is not too bad. Magic makes up for technology and that's fact. As for entertainment, you need to have hobbies. There's no television, so one needs to be accustomed to reading or painting or baking or something else. 


She turns around to see Fred, George, and Hermione. walking into the room. "Oh, hey guys. Sorry I'm a bit busy."

Hermione speaks as she continues writing. "You missed breakfast."

"I wasn't hungry."

"What're you doing?"

She looks back at Fred. "Um, it's just a bit of Arithmancy."

George pushes. "A bit?"

Y/N looks back at the chalkboard, covered in equation after equation. "yeah.."

Hermione walks up to stand beside her as she looks at the board. "We were thinking you should have a chat with Harry."


"Well.. You saved Harry from Barty Crouch Jr. And... you've seen someone pass.."

She puts the chalk down. "That was different."

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz