Chapter 21 Frivolity

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"This is absolutely ridiculous!"

She looks over to see Hermione slamming a copy of the Daily Prophet down on the table.

Y/N takes a sip of water. "You need to stop reading that, Hermione. It came out almost a week ago and It's only going to continue to frustrate you."

"Rita Skeeter has made up a completely false story."

"Oh come on, Hermione. No one believes a thing she says anyways." Harry assures.

The girls points at the paper. "'The girl was caught in a romantic moment with none other than Harry Potter'"

Y/N nods. "Just give it a week and it'll be forgotten. By then, she'll have written articles on someone else and no one will even remember this article."


A boy approaches the group. "Package for you, Ron."

"Thank you, Nigel."

Ron takes the big box from the kid and puts it down. Y/N watches as the boy continues to hover and stare at Harry.

"Um, Ron?" She motions to the boy.

He looks to the kid. "Not now, Nigel. Later."

The first year boy walks off from the table, leaving confusion for the others. Harry, Hermione, and Y/N all stare at him. Hermione gives him that invasive glare she likes to use to get the truth out of others.

"I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph."

Y/N smiles. "We could sell them at this point."

Ron begins unpackaging the box. "Oh look, my mom sent me something."

The other three help him take the wrapping apart so he can see what's inside.

He pulls out just about the ugliest dress robes that one could imagine. They're a dirt brown and they've got shredded-looking, orange fringe on the sleeves and the end.

Y/N looks to Hermione and the two of them smile. Other students are looking over at the horrid thing.

He lays it out in the front of him, confused. "Mum sent me a dress..."

The sound of laughter exits some of the mouths around the room

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The sound of laughter exits some of the mouths around the room.

"Well it does match your eyes. "Harry jokes. "Is there a bonnet?"

He pulls the front and tie of the dress robes out of the box. "Aha!"

Ron pushes it off. "Nose down, Harry."

He walks over to his sister. "Ginny, these must be for you."

She looks it up and down. "I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."

Y/N and Hermione both burst out in laughter, unable to keep it in any longer.

He walks over to them. "What are you two on about?"

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Where stories live. Discover now