Chapter 20 Smoke

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                                                           Half An Hour After The First Challenge

"It was brilliant, true entertainment."

"It was horrifying, Draco. He could've died."

He and Y/N walk down the corridors of Hogwarts after the first challenge, discussing what happened.

"Oh come on, Y/N. You have to admit, it was pretty fun to watch."

She shakes her head. "No. Him being down there in the first place was hard to watch and then on top of that, he was chased by a dragon out of bounds. So much could've gone wrong today. The only reason I went back into that stadium was because I wanted to support him."

Draco hooks on to that final line. "Speaking of which, why did you leave the stadium? You just went silent and then you got up and left."

Y/N starts spinning her ring around her finger. "I just.. I just had to get out of there."

She can can feel him looking at her curiously.

"Look.. It's just. It's a stadium filled with people, loud noise, and a dangerous situation involving fire, screaming and fear. It doesn't exactly bring back good memories, alright?"

He doesn't say anything to her. The two of them continue walking in silence on the way to the Hogwarts library.

On the way there Y/N looks to him. "So, how's the Arithmancy project going for you?"

He thinks for a second. "Alright. You?"

"I think it's going well so far. I've never had to do something like this though. I like a challenge, but trying to make a shot in the dark prediction is nerve racking."

Draco nods. "You have to admit it, you're enjoying it."

She laughs a little. "Okay yes, the assignment is fun."

"I told you."

"Arithmancy is one of your favorite classes, there's no 'I told you so's here-"

Y/N stops in her tracks. 

Draco stops as well and look to the left where her head is turned. He's completely unaware of what's going on in this moment. 


She's completely unresponsive. 

Before he can say anything, she's walking off to the person down the hall. He looks to be one of the dragon keeps. He's got clear burn and scratch scars on him, he's got ashes on his arms, and he's wearing armored clothing. Draco just stands there as she walks off.

"Are you one of the dragon keeps?"

"Are you one of the dragon keeps?"

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