Chapter 7 The First Night Back

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Y/N walks towards the doors to enter the Great Hall of Hogwarts. All her friends are already inside, but she isn't because she went to change into her school robes.

As she's about to walk up towards the open doors of the dinner hall, she's met by someone familiar. Y/N stands on one end of the short hall with the open doors in between and Draco's standing on the other end. The two of them are standing at each other from the opposite ends. They both just stare, not saying anything to each other.

After what feels like hours, Draco begins walking towards the middle where the doors are open. Before walking through the doors to go eat, he takes the last second to stop and look at her. However he's not looking at Y/N for long.

The minute he started turning towards her, Y/N began rushing up to him.

It comes to a point where she's running for the last few meters. Y/N runs right up to him and wraps her arms around him, above his shoulders. The hug she's giving Draco Malfoy is like a hug she's never given before. Surprisingly, he doesn't pull away. Tears are streaming down Y/N's face as she holds onto him.

 Tears are streaming down Y/N's face as she holds onto him

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When Y/N lets go of the boy, he doesn't say anything to her. She doesn't say anything to him either, it's just not the time for either of them to say anything. She doesn't truly know it was actually him that saved her. But by the way he looked at her both times they met, something's telling her it was.

As she walks down the isle of the tables, Y/N's wiping her tears away. She doesn't know why she's crying, she just is. 

As she arrives at the table and sits beside Fred, everyone's looking at her.

Y/N looks at all of them. "What?"

Hermione points out the obvious. "Well we all just saw you hug Malfoy and you came to the table crying."

"What's going on, Y/N?" Fred asks.

"I'm fine. Why is everyone being so dramatic?"

Ron pushes. "Y/N, you're wiping tears off of your face after hugging someone you despise."

"And there's the fact that Draco Malfoy hugged you back, someone who'd never hug anyone else back. No one's being dramatic." Harry adds.

Hermione continues. "Are you okay, Y/N?"

She puts her glass down. "Just stop. I'm not dealing with the questions and I'm not going to sit here and be interrogated by you guys. So please, JUST STOP!"

The hall goes into a silence. It's so silent that you can hear a pin drop from the opposite corner of the room. She looks around as everyone stares at her.

All eyes lay on Y/N as she gets up from her seat and leaves the hall.


She ignores Hermione's calls. Y/N doesn't know where to go, considering that she doesn't know which dorm she belongs to yet. So she heads to the one place that she knows she can be alone without interruption. Y/N walks down the halls of Hogwarts to the place that no one's likely to find her.

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Where stories live. Discover now