Chapter 10 Falling Apart

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Y/N runs down the hall. She doesn't know where she's going or where she's headed. The halls are empty and the sun is shining through the windows now that the clouds have left the sky.

She finds herself rushing through the halls just for any place to just be in perfect silence. Perfect harmony and serenity. Somewhere that she can just be. A place to be alone where she can just let her emotions take over. It's not that she doesn't want to cry, it's that she doesn't want anyone to see her cry. If there's one thing to know about Y/N, it's that she doesn't want anyone to see her feeling too emotional or too unhappy.

On her way going down the halls, she see's no one. Everyone's in class, learning. Just as she could be, just as she should be. The only reason she's not doing that is because sitting there was torture. Watching a creature going through the curse after having been there is almost as bad as going through the curse yourself. Sitting at that desk, watching the cave spider rolling around in pain was like being in a prison.

As she's going through the corridors with tears rolling down her face, she's interrupted. She see's Fred and George coming out of some room. Y/N's not sure what room it is, or where she is to be honest. It's all be a blur for the past fifteen minutes. Hogwarts is an easy place to lose yourself in thoughts as you walk. Because no matter where you go, there's never not somewhere to turn or keep walking.

Fred speaks as Y/N's about to brush past him. "Y/N, what's wrong?"

She completely ignores him. Not that she really heard him enough to ignore him. All Y/N see's is someone she doesn't want to talk to in her way of walking. So she does the one thing that comes to mind. She tries to walk right through him, as if Fred's not there at all. When he doesn't move, she tries to walk around, but he's not having it.

Fred grabs his hands onto the side of her shoulders. "Y/N?"

She continues trying to brush past him.



He looks into her eyes

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He looks into her eyes. "What's going on?"

In this moment, time slows down. At this time, there is no Alastor Moody and no Cruciatus Curse. It's just Y/N and Fred, just them in their own world.

He looks to George who gives a slight nod of the head, signaling Fred to help her with whatever's going through her head. And whatever's happened outside of it.

He grabs her hand and pulls her through the halls. To find the one place where Y/N feels free to speak and live in true liberty. After all, it's the one place where she's the strongest and the one place where she can feel every element.

Fred leads Y/N down the halls, past the great hall, through the courtyard, and along the bridge. They don't say anything as they walk, the silence is saying it all. He's not sure what's got her in such distress, but he does know that whatever it is, this isn't okay. He's sure that she's never cried or left class out of sadness. Sure Y/N's left in rage and anger, but this is new. This is an emotion he doesn't see from her often.

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Where stories live. Discover now