Chapter 38 Shadowed Sun

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"Harry, are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Y/N. There are going to be monsters in the maze tomorrow, I need to be prepared to protect myself."

She sighs. "But I'm not a monster, Harry. You're asking me to full out duel you so you can practice defending yourself."

Hermione chimes in. "I mean it can only help really. It won't do any harm."

Ron interjects. "You do realize that Y/N's the Elemental Witch, right? She's a walking, talking weapon."

"Exactly. Why shouldn't one of you guys do this?"

"Just do it, please."

She looks down at the ground and then back to Harry. "Fine, but you wanted this. Whatever happens is not my fault. If either of us get hurt, it's on you."

He nods his head. "Alright, now lets do this."

Y/N pulls her wand out and the two of them go back to back.

Hermione announces. "Alright."

As they start taking steps forward, she continues. "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, TEN."


The ground in front of Harry's feet bursts up in an explosion, knocking him backwards. Meanwhile, Y/N stands there, staring at him.

He waves his wand, retaliating. "Incarcerous!"

The ropes fly straight towards Y/N, ready to tie her down and end the duel, but she's not having any of it. She points her wand to the ground and swings it upwards, causing a tower of rock to shoot up. The ropes hit the tower and wrap around it, in place of Y/N. She puts her back against it and thinks in her head of how to end this thing. The rules are simple, the second that someone's been pinned down or back, the duel's over. So her job's simple, disarm Harry and pin him down with her throwing knives.

A spell hits the other side of the tower, causing a burst of sparks to fly out into the air.

"Come on, Harry. You got this!"

Y/N looks to Ron. "Okay, I know he's the one that's going in the maze, but you don't need to cheer for one specific person."

"Remember the Shield Charm!" Hermione proclaims.

Y/N remembers the fact that her friend, Harry, still hasn't managed to perform the Shield Charm, something he'll need in the maze. So maybe she needs to force it out of him. It sounds a bit cruel, but perhaps it's what's needed.

She suddenly makes run for it to her right and begins shooting spells at Harry. Each of them being nonverbal, elemental spells. Some forming ice, when making contact at the ground near Harry. Others burning through it. Y/N doesn't want to hit him with the more harmful ones, but she did say that he wanted this. She's still not sure why, he's going to be dueling wizards in the labyrinth. Then again, defensive spells are defensive spells. No matter what you're up against.

Y/N can't do a Shield Charm either, she's no need for it and doesn't want to ever have one.

"Petrificus Tota-"


There spells cancel each other out halfway between the two. Y/N throws a hex of ice right to him this time. If he's going to get this charm, he needs to feel that something's threatening him. It hits Harry right in the chest and shards of ice face outwards from him. It's nothing that can harm him, but does knock him back.

She walks towards him as he swings his wand. "STUPIFY."

Y/N spearheads her wand across the front of her chest. The spell hits her quartz wand and reflects outwards.

The Forgotten Witch in The Goblet Of Fire (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin