Chapter 31

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~A couple of days later~

"Come on babe! Let me help!" Evelyn walks in the room.

Evelyn stands outside the nursery room as he watches Kai and Mark setting up the crib.

"We're almost done here. Wait in the living room." He says. "Hand me that nail." Kai points at it and Mark hands it to him.

"Do you need the hammer as well?" Mark asks.

"Yeah. In a minute." Kai says.

"Can I at least hand you the tools?" Evelyn asks.

"No." He responds in a stern voice and he looks at her and she scoffs.


"Any slight minor inconvenience will result in you or our baby ending up in the hospital." He says.

"I'm only 7 weeks pregnant." She states.

"Doesn't matter. Now please stop distracting us." Kai says.

Evelyn storms out of the room and Mark looks at Kai.

"Don't say anything." Kai says.

"What?! I don't say a thing!" Mark says.

"But you were thinking it." Kai says.

"Whatever." Mark rolls his eyes.

Evelyn sat in the living room. "Because of your father, I'm in the mood for a glass of wine, but I can't have it." She speaks to her unborn baby.

As the hours past, Mark and Kai were in the nursery room all day fixing it. Kai steps out the room along with Mark.

"Thanks for all the help brother." Kai says.

"No problem." Mark says as walks off.

Kai walks into the kitchen and he grabs a glass of wine and he takes sip from the bottle. As he was chugging down the drink, at the corner of his eyes, he saw an angry Evelyn standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

He spits his drink out as he sets the bottle down. Kai wipes his mouth with his sleeve. "Ah shit." He whispers.

"Babe? You're not mad me? Are you?" He slowly approaches her.

He could sense the angry energy flowing in the air as he gulps. "She's definitely mad at me." He mumbles.

"Do you want some mangos?" He asks in timidly tone.

"What I want you to do it to include me in everything you do from now on!!" Evelyn explodes.

"Babe! I can't risk anything happening to you and our child." He says.

"I'm perfectly fine!!!" She yells.

"Clearly you're not." He steps back. "Babe? Take a deep breath. You're letting your pregnancy hormones take over you." He puts his hand on her shoulder.

"How dare you accuse me being hormonal?! She slaps his arm away as she cries. "And we don't even have any mangos!!" She runs to her room.

"Oh lord. These next several months are going to be an internal hell." Kai sighs. "I'm not even married to her yet and this is only the beginning."

~10:00 pm~

Kai was tucked under the sheets as he was scrolling through his phone peacefully while Evelyn was in the bathroom taking her make up off.

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