Chapter 6

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~The next day~

Evelyn was walking causally in lobby until she stumbled upon her sister who was 6 away from her. Evelyn tried her best to contain her anger in. Elle slowly approaches Evelyn with a huge yet innocent grin on her face.

"Good day baby sis." She greats her.

"What brings you by here?" Evelyn responds in a cold tone.

"I just wanted to say that I feel so awful for not greeting you that night at the charity event." She says.

Evelyn flashes an awkward yet fake smile at Elle.

"I left my phone at your place and I haven't been able to find it. You don't mind if I go look for it at your place?" She asks.

"Do whatever you want." Evelyn says.

"Come on sis. Why are you acting so coldly to me? Did you accidentally forget to press the snooze button?"

"Calm down Evelyn. Karma always takes its sweet time." Evelyn says in her mind.

"No. I guess I woke up in the wrong side of the bed." Evelyn says.

"By the way, where are you going? Don't tell me you're going to ballet class?" She asks as she looks at her broken foot.

"I have an appointment soon." Evelyn sighs.

"Just be careful out there. There's a lot of creepy people out there." Elle says.

"It must feel like throw up to her." Evelyn says in her mind.

"If you don't mind. I'm kinda busy right now. Sorry to cut the short talk, but I must go." Evelyn looks at her watch and she walks off.

"Not sorry." Evelyn says in her mind.

"She been really moody every since the accident." Elle whispers.

~Several Minutes Later~

Elle enters Evelyn's home and she looks around the living room before she runs up the stairs. She went into Baekhyun's room. Baekhyun then come out of the bathroom drying his hair and he flinches upon seeing Elle sitting down on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I have an announcement to declare." She says.

"Is it urgent?" He says as he walks to the closet.

"Very." She stands up.

"What the hell?! It was just here!!" Baekhyun blurts out loud.

"What are you talking about?!" Elle asks.

"I brought you a new phone and now it's not here!!" He yells.

"You brought me a new phone?" Elle asks.

"Yes! Since you were looking for your old phone I decided to buy you a new one!! And now it's not here!!!" He yells.

"Maybe you misplaced it." Elle says.

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