Chapter 16

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The end of the week finally rolled around. Both Baekhyun and Evelyn stepped out of the court room. Evelyn was finally divorced woman.

"Congratulations, you are now divorced man. You have everything you want now." Evelyn says.

"No need for the sarcasm." He says.

"I really mean it."

"Not." She says in her mind.

"You have until tomorrow evening to get your clothes and your personal belongings out of my place." He says.

"No need. All my stuff will be gone by the time you come home." She says.

"I'm actually quiet curious to know what you'll be doing with your life." He says.

"No need for such useless thoughts. I'm off to do things I wasn't able to do back then." She says.

"Let's see how long it'll take for you to survive out there without me!" He says. "Don't come crawling back for forgiveness then."

Evelyn rolls her eyes. "Sure....."

"Anyways, have a good life with my sister." She says as she turns away and starts walking off.

"Let's see how long their relationship lasts." She says in her mind.

"I will!!!!!! I don't know why I lower my standards for that wench. Finally!!! I don't have to deal with her annoying ass anymore. I'm so glad that she's not going to be in my life anymore." Baekhyun scoffs.

Baekhyun pulls his phone out and he places it onto his ear. "Guess who is a divorced man?!?" He says as he walks off.

~A few days later~

"Thank you so much for the all the help." Evelyn bows down as the movers walk out of the door.

She slowly closes the door and she looks around her new apartment.

"Not bad

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"Not bad. It's perfect. I'll be able to lay low from the public and live peacefully at the moment." She says. "But I feel like there is something missing."

Evelyn pulls her phone out of her pocket and she stares at her lock screen. "My teddy bear...." She whispers.

"Shit! I've been so busy! How could I forget about my own boyfriend?!" She calls him.

"Pick up!!" Her breath increases.

"Kai! I'm so sorry!!! I have an explanation for why I've been so busy!!" She says.

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