Chapter 20

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"This pork is nice." Evelyn says as she chews on it.

"Only the finest pork here." Mark says. "Hey bro. How come you haven't had a piece?"

Evelyn looks at Kai who just zoned out. Mark taps his shoulder and Kai looks at him.

"What's on your mind?" He asks.

"Just stuff." He grabs a piece of pork with his chopsticks and he takes a small bite.

"I just want to say thanks for inviting me. Moments like these make me really touched." Mark says.

"And there will be plenty more in the future." Evelyn says.

Mark then looks at both Evelyn and Kai. He sensed an off vibe between them. "Let me ask you guys this. Is everything okay between you two?"

"Yeah why?" Evelyn asks.

"Because usually every time I would see you two, you two are always being lovey dovey with each and this time, you guys aren't even batting an eye at each other." Mark says.

"Did something happened between you guys? Because you'll been acting strange ever since that woman left. What did she mean by being careful in public?" He asks.

Evelyn takes a long deep sigh before responding. "My sister is investigating me." She says.

"Why?!" He asks.

"She is starting to suspect that I was the one who exposed her affair that night at the masquerade ball."  She says.

"And did you....?"

"Yes, I exposed her." She says.

"But I don't get it... why though?" He asks.

"Because I know so many of her dark secrets and she suspects that I may know so much about her secrets and she wants to get rid of me... just like she did with our own father." She sighs.

"What?! Don't tell me...your sister is capable of murder?" He asks.

"Yes. And the reason why me and Kai are acting like this is because he is trying to protect me from my own sister."

Kai then slowly looks at her. "If your sister is capable of killing your own father, what makes think she isn't capable of hurting or even killing you? And she's pregnant at the moment, so is you even having a small conversation with her can affect her."

Evelyn sighs.

"He is right." Mark says.

"I never realized that I was just a rock getting in her way. If she never liked me than why didn't she say to my face? I would of understood and cleared the path for her, but instead she envied me in secret." Evelyn says.

"Did you and your sister get along back then?" Mark asks.

"Yes. We were so close, but I guess not that close for me to know what she was feeling." Evelyn says.

"But if she's investigating you, then won't she find out that your in a relationship with my brother?" Mark asks.


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