Chapter 13

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"Don't look at me like that. It's not like I haven't seen you without any clothes."

"You've only seen me half naked! It's still makes a huge difference." She holds onto her knees.

"Do you want to perhaps shower alone? I'll respect that." He caresses her cheek.

Evelyn slowly stands up. "I'll be okay." She says. "Just bring me a couple of towels."

"Meanwhile, I'll be in the kitchen making you some chicken noodle soup." He also stands up.

"I'm not hungry. I have no appetite right now." She looks at him.

"I'm not taking no for an answer! I'm making you something to eat. Whether you like it or not. You're dehydrated as hell and I'm sure as hell not going to let you starve yourself." He walks out of the bathroom.

Evelyn sighs deeply as Kai comes back in with a few towels and clothes. "Wear my clothes and put the ones you have on in the hamper." He says.

"If you need anything, just shout okay. Take the time you need. There's plenty of hot water and shampoo. Just turn the faucet right and hot water will pour out."

Evelyn nods. "Gotcha."

"Seriously, just shout if you need my assistance." He places his hand on her neck and he brings her forehead to his lips and he plants a small yet reassuring kiss on forehead.

Kai steps out and he shuts the door on his way out. Evelyn turns the faucet on and she lets the hot water run down as she strips down.

She looks down at her waist. She once again admires the butterfly tattoos. "You're too beautiful to be sad."

She whispers. "You need embrace your inner strength, girl. This is war isn't over. Not yet. I'm not going to stop until he gets down on his knees and begs me for forgiveness." She takes a deep breath.

Evelyn looks at the bathtub and she turns the knob down and she dips her toe onto the surface of the water. "Perfect." She steps into the tub and lays her head back as she sits down and tries to relax.

Evelyn closes her eyes tightly for a second. She peaks one eye open and she sighs as she opens both of them. She glances at the small tattoo on her arm and sighs regretfully. "What am I doing?" She whispers.

Meanwhile, Kai was setting up the kitchen as he was pulling out the vegetables out of the refrigerator. "Shit. I can defrost this chicken in little time." He sighs as he opens the freezer.


Kai lifts his head up immediately after he heard Evelyn shouting his name. "Yeah babe!?" He shouts back.

There was nothing but silence. Kai closes the fridge and he runs to the bathroom. He open the door looking worried and his eyes immediately glue themselves onto Evelyn.

His eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets upon staring at Evelyn sitting nakedly in the bathtub full of water. "Can you help me?" She asks looking all innocently.

"W-with what?" He asks.

"It'll only take a second. Do you perhaps have any bubbles? I think I'll feel better if the tub was filled with bubbles." She asks.

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