Chapter 9

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"Kai? Babe? I have a question for you? Are you good with technology?" Evelyn asks him.

"Technology? Why'd you ask?" He asks as he takes a drink of his beverage.

"Like hacking level good with technology? It has something to do with the anniversary party." She asks him.

Kai smirks deviously. "Not only I'm good at hacking.... without getting caught." He says.

"Okay. Listen here, babe. Here's what I have in mind. I want this to go smoothly without us getting suspected or caught." Evelyn leans in and she whispers in his ear as he nods.

A few minutes go by and Kai looks at her with a stunned expression on his face. "And do you think it'll work?" He asks.

"It has to work. I've been planning this very carefully and I thought it was finally time to share you my plan. It'll probably shock the nation and be scandalous but we have to do it." She says.

"Okay. I'll help you." He smirks. "A little scare should definitely mess with their heads." He says.

"And it'll only be the beginning for those who took the crown off my head." She chuckles.

The days went by as everyone was preparing for the main event of the year. Everything is suppose to be perfect and memorable.

A night no one is ever going to forget in their lives. There was no time to waste if Evelyn wanted her revenge to go flawless.

Evelyn was to take her first step towards her revenge on everyone who wronged her. Slowly and one by one, everyone was going to meet their downfall soon.

And the first person to feel her pain and wrath was her very own husband, Baekhyun. And the anniversary party was going to be held in the very lobby of the penthouse.

~The 60th Anniversary JJK Group~

"Are you kidding me, Baekhyun?!" Evelyn yells. "I already brought my dress!"

"You're going to wear the dress that I brought you and that's final!!" He yells back.

"You can return that garbage and get your money back because I'm not wearing it!" She scoffs.

"Of course he doesn't want me to wear it. He brought the exact same dress for Elle." Evelyn says in her mind.

"I threw the away you dress. So wear the one I got you." He says as he fixes his tie.

"YOU THREW IT AWAY?!" She yells. "You had no right to do that!! It's just a dress! I don't get why you're so worked up about it!"

"Because I said so!! How many times do I have to tell you woman?!?! I don't like it!!" He screams.

"I didn't brought for you to like it. I brought for me! For my own comfort!" She says.

"So?! It's just piece of fabric!" He yells. "Besides, we have important guest coming and I will not stand by while people criticize my wife. My image could get tainted if people find out that I let my own wife do whatever she wants. It'll be scandalous." He says.

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