Chapter 27

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"Do you really think my daughter will accept a social outcast like you?! She's going to be crippled for a long time. Do you thing you'll have the resources to financially take care of her?!" She yells.

"Say what you want! Your nonsense won't break us up. Money and social status doesn't matter to both us." Kai knocks on the door and he opens the knob and he enters the room.

Kai shuts the door completely as he takes reliving sighing. "So annoying!" He thought.

Evelyn glances at the corner of her eye as she spots Kai coming in. "Kai!" She says his name out loud for him to hear as the tears run down her cheeks.

Approaches as he cups her cheeks with both of his hands. "My love. I'm here now." He leans his forehead towards her forehead.

Both of them close their eyes. Evelyn sheds a couple of tears as her eyes close. He opens his eyes and he caresses her cheek with his thumb.

"Kai." She whispers his name.

Kai chuckles upon hearing her say his name. He wipes the tears off her face. "There. There. Don't cry my love." He whispers.

Both of their eyes meet as Kai caresses her hair.


Ms. Park pulls her phone out as she taps her foot nervously on the floor as the phone rang in her ear.

"Answer me you punk!" She mumbles.

"WHAT?!" Baekhyun yells.

"How dare you raise your tone at your mother in law?!"

"I'm stressed as hell right now!! My daughter is finally asleep and I can't even have 5 f**king minutes of peace?!"

"You slept with my daughter! Now you're suffering the consequences because your punny ass couldn't pull out!!"

"HEYYYYY!!!!" Baekhyun screams. "THE HELL YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

"I need you to do me a favor!!" She asks.

"I'm not in the right of mind to do favors!!" He yells.

"I don't care!! It's urgent!!" She yells. "I need you to get rid of my daughter's man!"

"What did he do now?! You leave that bastard to me!! I'll take care of him whenever I feel like it!" He asks.

"He knows something! It's possible that my daughter told him everything about my past!" She whispers.

"That's your problem for not being discreet!" He yells.

"Hey!!!" She yells.

"Listen!! He won't do anything unless Evelyn dies!!" Baekhyun says. "You leave that bastard to me!! And you do absolutely nothing!! Because if you do something, not only will I expose you to the media, but I'll make sure you'll feel the most excruciating painful torment that I can inflict on you!!!" Baekhyun hangs up.

"HEY!! DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP ON ME!!" Ms. Park yells at her phone and she tosses it at the wall.

"That bastard!! I have to find a way for Evelyn and that low life of her man to keep their mouths shut, but without the press or public finding out!" She mumbles out loud as she marches off.

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