Chapter 18

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~4 Months Later~

The months went by and Evelyn and Kai's relationship grew stronger without them even noticing. During these last few months, was planning and sorting out her next revenge on Baekhyun.

Evelyn sipping coffee at her favorite café. Stuck in her thoughts, she heard the café door opening, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

Lifting her eyes up from her laptop, Evelyn slowly sets her drink on the table as she saw Elle and her friends walking in. In reality, it hurt her seeing her old friends hanging out with someone that wasn't her.

Evelyn also glanced at Elle's belly. "Have they really forgotten about me?" Evelyn thought. She discreetly watches the sit down in front of her.

Evelyn closes her laptop and she sighs as she picks up and walks past them. "Evelyn? Is that you?" Evelyn comes to a complete stop as she takes a deep breath.

Evelyn slowly turns around. "It is you!" Elle smiles. "Look at you! It's been so long." She says.

"It's been 4 months." Evelyn whispers.

"How come you never told me that you were pregnant?" Evelyn asks.

"You never bothered asking about me these last 4 months." Elle says.

"What are you? Like 6 months pregnant?" Evelyn asks.

"5 months!" Elle lies.

Evelyn scoffs. "My mistake because it really looks like you're around 6 and half months pregnant. And by the looks of it, your belly looks like it's going to be a girl."

"Look how bold you are. What are you? Some fortune teller?" Elle scoffs.

"Elle? Calm down. Stress isn't good for the baby. Besides, you have a big day coming up at court." Dahyun says.

"Listen to her." Evelyn says. "Wait." She pauses before she continues. "What do you mean by big day at the court?" Evelyn asks.

"Why are you so interested in your sister's life after cutting her off completely for the last 4 months? Dahyun asks.

"This doesn't involve you, blondie." Evelyn says and Dahyun gasps. "You were suppose to be demoted to secretary."

"Demoted?! You must of thought wrong." She avoids eye contact with Evelyn.

"What's that?!" Elle grabs Evelyn's wrist. "Since when the hell did you get a tattoo? I thought you were afraid of needles!"

Evelyn pulls her hand back. "First of all, don't ever grab my hand like that ever again! And second of all, whatever I do to my body, doesn't concern you."

"Really? Those kinds of tattoos are only used by couples. Don't tell me, you've already found someone so quickly? I feel bad for the guy." She chuckles.

"Assume whatever you want." Evelyn sighs.

"You've really changed baby sister. The way your voice and attitude sound completely different." Elle says.

"What about it? Doesn't it bother you that much that now I'm not that same naive girl that you once knew and thought you could take advantage of? It bothers you that you can't manipulate me anymore, honey." Evelyn says.

"I'm sorry to make you all uncomfortable, but you broke my trust Elle. That's why I'm like this. I've lost faith every little thing now." She says.

"Not my fault that you grew up so naive." Elle scoffs. "Because of your of clumsy nature, you lost your husband."

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