Chapter 26

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"There's a great chance that Evelyn could be paralyzed permanently and may never walk in her life and she require assistance 24/7." He says.

In the moment, it was all silent. No one could believe what they just heard.

"Oh my goodness." Ms. Park passes out dramatically on the floor.

"Ma'am!!" He runs towards Ms. Park.

"Oh my god." Jihyo covers her mouth up.

"I need a smoke." Kai says as he turns around and walks off.

"Bro!! Where are you going?!?" Mark yells goes after him.

As Kai was about to enter the elevator, Mark stops as Kai turns around. "Don't follow me." He says as he enters the elevator.

The doors closes and Mark sighs. He runs back to the doctor. A bunch of nurses came in and gave Ms. Park some water the moment she regains conscious.

"What happened?" She asks.

"She fainted for a few seconds." Jihyo and Sana help her stand up.

"Tell me Doctor? Are you exaggerating?" She asks.

"No I'm afraid not." He says.

"I can't have a crippled daughter." She mumbles, but Sana and Jihyo heard clearly.

"Is she kidding me?!" Jihyo mumbles.

"I want to punch her so badly." Sana says quietly.

"When will she wake up?" Mark asks.

"Give or take a week." He says.

"Where did Kai go?" Jihyo asks.

"He took a smoke break. He only smokes if he gets seriously depressed." Mark says.

"The news must of hit him that hard." Sana says.

"Isn't there treatment for my daughter?!" She asks.

"Yes, but at the moment we can't not subject her to anymore harmful objects to her body. It'll be up to Evelyn to decide if she wants treatment." He says.

"I'm going to start looking for the best physician for her." Ms. Park says.

"I want to subject her through all sorts of painful experiments." Jihyo says and Sana grabs her arm and holds her back from doing anything stupid.

"Right now she needs to rest at the moment. We'll be monitoring her all day and night. When she wakes up, she'll only be allowed one visitor at a time." He says. "You all have been here all night and you guys need to rest as well."

"I can't leave my baby's side!!!" She yells.

"I don't get paid enough for this." The doctor sighs to himself. "Hopefully it's not too late to move back to the beachside." He thinks.


Kai went back to the rooftop of the hospital and he silently observed the view of the city. He pulled out his cigarette and lighter out.

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