Chapter 28

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Kai looks at her as he strokes her hair and he holds her hand and everyone's eyes widen as they see the ring on her finger. His eyes glance at her ring finger and he smirks deviously.

He leans her hand towards his lips and he plants a small kiss on her engagement ring

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He leans her hand towards his lips and he plants a small kiss on her engagement ring. Evelyn smirks as everyone in the background started mumbling.

Kai intertwines his fingers with her fingers and he escorts her out of the room. Baekhyun crushes the glass in his hand and blood started dripping from the palm of his hand.

The paparazzis chase after them. "Wait!!"

"Just a word!!"

"Miss Evelyn!!"

"Tell us more about your personal life!!"

"And just when I thought things were going good for that family." People whisper.

"No wonder she looked familiar!" Dahyun mumbles. "Ahh look at her!! Acting so shameless and confident!"

"Who is he?" People murmur. "Evelyn definitely upgraded."

Elle's eyes widen. "Baekhyun!" She approaches him. "Your hand!" She grabs his arm.

Baekhyun shoves his hand away and he walks off. "What the heck are you doing?" She goes after him.

"Someone is jealous." Dahyun mumbles as she takes a sip of wine.

Baekhyun marches into his dressing room and he slams the door. "Baekhyun!! Open up!!" Elle slams on the door repeatedly. "You can't just leave your own party like that!!"

Baekhyun shoves everything off the table and all the plates and utensils shatter all over the floor.

"Baekhyun!! Please!! Please don't tell you still feel something for her!!!" Elle yells.

"Shut up!!!" Baekhyun yells.

"HEYY!! Did you just raise your voice at me?!" She yells.

"Get the hell out here Elle!!" Baekhyun yells.

"Why are you doing this?! You have a wife and daughter!!! This proves that you still have lingering feels for your ex-wife!!!" She opens the door and walks in angrily.

"Get your stupid ideas out your head!! This isn't about missing my ex wife!! It's about the humiliation that she put me though!!" He yells.

"No it's not!! Be honest with me Baekhyun! Do you still have any feelings for her?!" She asks in a more assertive tone.

"NO! Jesus Christ!! Quit being so jealous!!"

"I hope so!! Because we don't need another scandal anymore!! I'm not going to go through that same humiliation I went through back in 2022 all over again! So put your big boy pants on and get back out there or else the public will think otherwise!" Elle raises her tone. "So fix your hand quickly!!"

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