Chapter 12

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~The very next day~

"How did this happen?!?" Baekhyun yells. "I'm so f**king screwed! My personal life has been exposed!!" Baekhyun paces around his office.

"You think I'm okay?! My father is about to demote my ass! I was at the top lawyer at my law firm and look at me! I'm a walking joke to everyone!" Elle says. "How long will it take until my pregnancy is exposed?!"

"I'm done you hear me?! I'm done!!! Everything I have is going to waste! My own wife even knows about us and all the money that I took out that was under her name!!" Baekhyun says.

"Baekhyun?! Don't you get it?!? Someone is messing with us! Someone is trying to inflict pain on us! We won't give them that satisfaction!" Elle says.

"I'm going to kill that person! I'll kill them! I'll give them war!" Baekhyun knocks everything off his desk with one swipe.

"Every sponsor that has collaborated with us is trying to terminate their contracts with us! I've never seen stocks decreasing so much!" Baekhyun says. "I have to do something before this business goes bankrupt!!"

"Can you at least show sympathy towards your grandfather!! He's hooked up on wires and to a ventilator for his life!!" Elle says.

"Who cares if that old dirt bag dies?!" Baekhyun says.

"He's you're family!"

"So?! You didn't think twice about your sister whenever we hooked up behind her back!!" Baekhyun says.

Elle rolls her eyes. "You need to visit your grandfather before your reputation tarnishes any further! It's the least you can do!!" She says.

"Why would I? He didn't even know about our affair until last night! He and my father in-law are soon going to hold a board meeting to discuss my replacement as CEO!! And there's a big chance he'll agree with my father-in-law!" Baekhyun yells.

"So? Do what you always do best!" Elle says.

"And what's that?"

"Killing him."

"Are you crazy?! As much as I want to that I can't. I'm under so much fire right and the very first person they'll suspect, is me!!" Baekhyun says. "What we need to do is lay low until all of this calms down!"

"Sure. Let's go with that! By the way, I need a favor. I need you to get rid of my father before he signs the papers that say I'll get demoted." Elle says.

"Are you sure?" He says.

"Yeah. I'm tired of him. He favored Evelyn over me. She got married before me. And now, he's destroying my career. I want him gone. He's not my family anymore." Elle says.

"You really have no remorse for him?" He asks.

"All my life I was just another person in the house to him, instead of being his daughter! I was loved by him until that thing appeared in my life!" She says.

"Fine. I'll get rid of him, but you owe me." He says.

"I don't owe you thing! I'm already pregnant with your kid and he or she will be inheriting The Grand Penthouse!" She says.

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