Chapter 1

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"I do." Those 2 simple words. It never made sense for her after finding out his true colors.

If marriage life was going to be this hard, Evelyn would of opposed from the very beginning and she would of been living a rich and independent life.

But saying, "I do" never made her realize that one person, just one person would help her heal her wounds. Her marriage life was going to be the start of a brand new chapter in her life.

Let's start the story with the one thing Evelyn was passionate about; Dancing. It's all she ever talked about. Nothing else mattered to her.

It was highlight of her life. The accident was just the start of her revenge on everyone, but also the downfall of her mental health.

Evelyn was in the backstage with the other girls. Tonight, it was the big show. Hundreds or even thousands of important guest from all over the world were going to see her right here in Seoul.

But more importantly, Evelyn was more excited to see her dear husband attending the grand event. His appearance and support meant a lot to her.

"I seriously need to impress the audience." Evelyn says as she stretches her arms around.

"You'll do amazing! Like you always do." Jihyo chuckles.

"You don't get it. I need to have all the audience's approval. The more clapping, the better chance I get to attend New York." Evelyn says.

"New York! It's all you ever talk about girl. I know you'll make it!" Jihyo says.

"No! We'll make it. All 3 of us. You, Sana, and I." Evelyn says as she pats Jihyo's back.

"Imagine the 3 of us performing in Time Square!" Sana comes in.

"It'll be a dream come true!!" Jihyo giggles.

"I haven't been out of the country in a long time." Sana says.

"You think they'll accept amateurs?"

Evelyn looks up to see Dahyun walking in as she was clapping sarcastically.

"Not her." Sana rolls her eyes.

"What nonsense are you going to spit out this time?" Evelyn sighs.

"There's 20 of us and only 2 of us will be able to attend Swan Hall in New York." She says.

"Not with that attitude you'll get chosen." Evelyn says and Sana and Jihyo laugh out loud.

"You think you're funny huh? I heard a rumor that Baekhyun is probably not even going to attend the 2022 Swan Lake event." Dahyun says and all 3 girls stop laughing.

"You just don't know when to stop don't you?" Evelyn's expression turns serious.

"I just don't get it. This is bad publicity for his image and he still chooses not to attend his own wife's event? How embarrassing." He says.

"Why don't you get the hell out?!" Jihyo yells. "Or else you'll need a another nose job!" She raises her fist.

"This is why you're not the Swan lead!!" Sana says as Dahyun rolls her eyes and leaves.

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