Prankster!Fem!Reader x Bully!Male!Frisk!

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Your POV:

I was sitting in Math class ready for it to start when Frisk and Asriel walked in. The classroom went silent and I slit my eyes at Frisk, and I managed to see some icing residue on his mouth. Heh, my plan had worked, now all I had to do was wait.

Frisk: Stop being racist.

Was he talking to me? I looked around and saw everyone looking at me, so I presumed he was. I looked back at Frisk and smiled.

Y/n: Oh, you're talking to me? But c'mon, that's your job and you know it.

Frisk: Even from here I can see you look like a clown with all that make-up.

Y/n: Well, I'm not the only one from the circus who is getting educated. I think the rest of the circus is doing a practical on sexual education in your mom's bed... with her.

I smugly smiled at Frisk as he grit his teeth, I could tell this was making him angry.

Y/n: Should I tell Asgore? He's the REAL clown, seeing how he made a joke of your entire family.

I smiled more and now Asriel was angry, good. Frisk walked over to me and stood opposite my desk.

Y/n: Oh! Am I this good-looking you had to get a closer look? I don't mind~

I saw Frisk blush a small bit through his anger. He went to hit me but I caught his hand and softly kissed the top of it making him blush even more.

Y/n: How kind of you to offer me your hand~ would you like to dance? Frissy~

Frisk blushed more and the room then erupted in whispers. "Does he like him?", "I ship it", "He looks so embarrassed!", "Is he finally getting his comeuppance?" I heard those types of whispers around as I continued to hold Frisk's hand. Frisk then snapped out of his trance and pulled his out of mine.

I heard Frisk whisper "Lucky bitch" under his breath, wait... does he like me? There's no way! But... maybe I should do what I said on the note, sure, he'd kill me, but it'll be worth it, he's... kinda cute.

"You're blushing." I heard my bestie whisper to me, I looked at her and went silent in embarrassment. They put two and two together and let out a quiet gasp before winking making me blush more.

Sans: Well, that was cool.

I looked over at Sans as he rocked against his chair, he then got off his chair and picked up his laser pointer. The lesson then started with a scrunched-up ball being thrown at me only 5 minutes later. I picked it up off the ground and opened it, it said: "talk about my family like that again and you'll be removed from yours". I only smiled and wrote a note back.

My note said: "Aww, so we can get married and start our own family?". I managed to throw it back at Frisk and I heard a flustered exhale come from behind me which made me smile. I didn't receive any more paper balls.

Sans: Frisk, what weighs more? 1kg of steel or 1 kg of feathers?

Frisk: They're both the same.

Frisk said with a rather raspy voice, I looked back at him and saw him sweating like crazy. I looked back at the board and smiled.

Sans: Ok, good. Y/n, if the square root of 16 is 36, then how many Earths can fit in the Sun?

Y/n: 1.3 million.

Sans:... How heavy is the Earth?

Y/n: 5.972 × 10^24 kg

Sans: 9+10?

Y/n: That's a trick question.

Sans: Ah, smart kid, good, just checking if you were paying attention.

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