The Film Nerd. Vi x Caitlin. 😜

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Vi's POV

I woke up earlier than usual to see a note on my dresser.

"Had to run, help yourself to food, please lock door on your way out and give the key to my left next door neighbour, he bones as much as I do."

After reading the note my hangover kicked in and I remembered what happened last night. I was at a party and I decided to try and cure my heart ace I would find a cutie ready to smash and pass.

I got up from the bed and put my clothes back on, I then went to the kitchen and ate a packet of crisps, whilst I watched the news. No breaking news happened. Some enforcer was injured in a peacful protest because he got cocky and decided to try and provoke a protester but it clearly didn't work but his ended up sending a bullet into his foot and another into the leg of a protester but they were fine aparty.

I finished my food and then did as the note said and gave the keys to her next door neighbour.

I then hoped into a taxi and had them drop me off at a supermarket. I needed to do my weekly shop, it wasn't much food so a taxi man won't mind. I walked down the aisles grabbing somethings I needed and other's thay I just wanted.

I went to grab a multi pack of crisps when I heard a woman with blue hair talking on the phone. "Yes mum, I'm safe, yes mum, I've been keeping a budget. No mum friends are not my priority. Yes I will try. Okay love you."

As soon as she turned off her phone I decided to ask her. "Mum problems?" The girl smiled and nodded. "She's just worried since it's only been a month since I moved out of her house." The girl said before grabbing some dip.

"Yeah my mum used to be like that, she used to want to know every detail even if my week was boring. I miss the phone calls now." I said remembering how much I thought I hated them.

"Oh I'm sorry..." I smirked at her and said. "Enough of this sad shit, what are you planning? Because from the what's your trolly it looks like you are either trying to veg out or you are throwing a kind of lame party."

In the girl's trolly there was multiple kinds of crisps, two chocolate bars, a bag for each popcorn flavour, and a bunch of dvds of older films. Most I'm guessing don't show up on streaming services. And finally three bottles of cheap wine.

"To be perfectly honest, I am going to veg out and watch old movies this weekend, but not by myself. My girlfriend is coming over." She said with a big grin.

Once she said the word girlfriend I wanted to bail. She was stunning but she wss taken. "I see well Miss, I am done with my shopping. Want to walk together to the tills?"

The girl nodded and said. "My name is Caitlin by the way." I smiled and nodded. "I'm Vi."

We talked as we walked towards the tills and then after we both paid for our shopping we walked towards Caitlin's car together. But just as she left I felt her slip a peice of paper into my hand. Her number.

That weekend.

I had added Caitlin's number and confirmed with her that she gave me the right one, we then texted for four day, now the weekend is here so assume she will be to busy to talk so when I heard my phone ring I was worried.

V: Hey Caitlin?
C: Hey Vi. My girlfriend broke up with me. Apartly she forgot all about our date and wanted to go out drinking with her friends. We got into a huge argument and she said we are done.
V: I'm so sorry Caitlin... Would you like me to come over to help you eat all of your snacks? And watch those old films?
C: If you don't want to, you don't have to but it would be nice, you are my only friend Vi...
V: Text me your address.

WhiteKnight to the rescue.

Once at her place I sat with Caitlin on her bed since she didn't have a sofa in her small apartment. She read all of the backs of the dvds outloud to me letting me get first pick.

They all honesty sounded really interesting. The one I picked was very interesting Cait said. "You see these two women are clearly lovers but with the hase code, they weren't allowed to be anything but the villains because they were gay. We don't have the hase code now but the films that are coming out today are usually so boring."

I smiled at Caitlin's excitement over her knowledge of film history and theory. "I think this is one of the reasons my girlfriend left... she hated me talking over movies and trying to understand them."

I looked to Caitlin and held her cheek in my hand. "Cait, you are so smart. And if your ex couldn't see that, then that's her flaw not your's."

Caitlin blussed a little and we went back to watching the movie. The wine she bought barly got us drunk. It was more of a buzz. But it was still a nice one. By the third movie Cait decided to let me convince her that not all newer movies are bad. I showed her Pan's labyrinth. But she concluded that the majority reason of why it's good is because 1. It's not american, 2. It's based in original foclore and not the new versions. And 3. That Del Toro the director is amazing.

I told her that he was supposed to direct The Hobbit movies, but left on undisclosed terms and everything he had prepared for the films was scrapped. Caitlin went on a huge rant about how much better the films would of been if Del Toro carried on with it. And how The Hobbit was a children's book and the movie should of gone down that route but instead the studios, all 5 of them were trying to recreate The Lord of The Ring.

(Sorry for the rant, I'm a film nerd and was a film student.)

After a Caitlin got too tired to carry on I decided that because it was the end of Pan's that we should get so rest.

I let her get into her pjs and she showed my the bathroom so I could get into mine and then I went back into her room. Cait was already in bed, sleepy.

I climbed into her bed next to her, which was Caitlin's request earlier, and held her against my chest. "You're beautiful Vi..." Cait said with a smirk. I smirked back.

"You too, Cupcake." Cait then proceeded to climb up my body and kissed my lips. I smirked into the kiss, she's too cute for her own good. "I pulled away and asked. "Cait are you fully awake?"

Cait nodded, she seemed more awake now. I smirked and kissed her again as my hands woved into my hair. "So beautiful." I thought as ran my hand across her body. But she stopped my hand and held it in her's.

"Good she doesn't want sex." I said in my head before lieing back down and pulling the cover back over us. Cait pulled away and kissed my cheek. "Thankyou Vi..."

We then fell asleep holding eachother whilst Cait rambled about Pipen from Lord of the Rings.

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