My Baby. Catra x Adora. 😜

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Adora's POV

I got home late from work today. It was so tiring. It felt like I was there for years.

I unlocked the door to see Catra colouring on the floor, her cute tongue sticking out. "Hey, little one." I said, smiling as I came over. "What are you colouring, my love?" I asked as I bent down to look at her picture. Catra looked up at me and smiled. "A bunny." I smiled and looked at my watch. It was 8 pm. Catra should be in bed. "It's very nice, baby, but shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked, which made Catra look up at me shyly.

You see, Catra is an age regressor. Her trauma from her formative year has caused her to need to regress her age when she is scared, lonely, stressed, or sad. As her partner, I also play the role of guardian. I look after Catra and make sure she doesn't experience anything that could harm her more.

Catra can age down to between 2-6, and right now, she's about 6. "I wanna to wait for you, Wadowa." Catra said in her slured baby voice. "I know, baby, I'm sorry, it was a long day for Adora. Let's get you ready for bed." Catra smiled and made grabby hands for me, so I picked her up and headed to the bathroom.

"Did you eat dinner, my love?" I asked as I took her hair out of its braids and stared to brush it. "Yep! I ates weft obers from wast night. Yummy!" I laughed and kissed Catra's head. "Good girl." I finished up brushing her hair and handed her her toothbrush. Carra brushed her teeth for a minute, and I brushed mine before checking Catra's and finishing them up for her.

I picked Catra up again and asked. "Can Adora undress you, or do you want to do it?" Catra thought for a moment and pointed to me. "Okay, big girl." I said before pulling off her shirt and shorts. I threw them into the wash basket and asked. "What would you like to wear tonight?" Catra shook her head and tried to take off her vest. She didn't wear bras when she was little but wore vests to keep her breasts from aching.

"Hey, hey, slow down and use your big girl words?" I asked softly. Catra's eyes started to well up. "Wan, skin bo skin." Catra tried not to cry, but I could see she was going to. "Hey, it's okay, Catra. we csn hsve skin to skin. Do you want to be completely naked or in underwear?

Catra smiled and kissed my cheek. "Nakey!" Catra said laughing. I smiled and helped her pull off her vest and underwear. "There we go, now let Adora take her clothes off, and we can cuddle down." I saud as I pulled off my work shirt and trousers, and then my underwear and last my bra, I breathed out a sigh before picking up Catra and getting under the quilt. "Hmm, swof. Wadowa." Catra said as she curled into me.

I smiled and started to fall asleep. But Catra started to wriggle and whine. "Catra sleepy time." I said softly, but Catra kept wiggling. "Hmm, Wadowa, ne tingles." Catra said, sounding frustrated. When little Catra calls, feeling turned on or being wet her tingles. We don't normally have sex when she's little, but sometimes touching her or Catra touching herself can help.

"Did big Catra feel tingles today?" Asked as I looked into her eyes. "Wes, then me went wittle, an wied to forgets but me could no forgets so wittle me wanna touch, but Wadowa says no good when she gone." Catra explained. I nodded my head and said. "Okay baby, you can touch yourself." I said.

So Catra got off of me and moved to ne more comfortably. We agreed a while back that Catra shouldn't touch herself alone since the last time she did. She got a lot of bad memories and had a panic attack. Luckily, I wasn't far from home. But now Catra presfers that I watch and keep her deamons away.

Catra moved her fingers down to her entrance and played with her clit. She started to whine a little and shoved her finger inside. She slowly moved it in and out of her entrance and moaned a little.

"Adora!" Catra said loudly, and I knew she had come out of little space. "Catra! Are you okay?" Catra moved her hand away and looked at me. "Don't let her hurt me." Catra said, crying. "I won't, my love. You're safe here." Catra nodded, and I kissed her head. "Did you see her?" I asked softly. Catra nodded and curled back into me. "I just want to feel good." She whispered. I moved her to lay back again and held her hand. "Don't close your eyes, look at me, no matter what, I am here for you. Just don't look away."

Catra nodded, and I pushed her fingers into het entrance. She moved them in and out slowly but then started to move faster. She continued to look at me the whole time. "You're going great Catra, you are so beautiful." I said softly. Catra moaned and pushed her fingers deeper inside. "Fuck." Catra swore before she came on her fingers. I smiled and kissed her head. "She has no power." Catra nodded and I grabbed a wipe before cleaning Catra up.

She smiled at me and said. "I have the power." I nodded my head and kissed her lips. "That's my girl." I cuddled Catra again and pulled the covers bsck over us. "Good night Catra." I said softly. "Good night Adora." Catra hummed back and we soon fell asleep.

Story request by mucky666

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