The Cafe. Catra x Adora 🥰

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Catra's POV

I work in a small cafe in a big city we don't get many regular customers but the ones we do have are old and were here before I started so the older waiters usually go to them.

But there is one new regular that I haven't really spoken too, I know her order by heart, One, tall, black coffee with half a cup of milk and a ham and cucumber sandwich. I try to talk when not serving to her everyday but I always get pulled away by someone else. It's like the Faits don't want us to be together, but I will keep trying.

The girl came in laptop bag in hand and sat down in her regular corner window seat. I went over to her and asked. "Would you like your regular today?" The blond girl smiled and opened her laptop. "Wow I come here enough that you remember my order?" She asked which made me blush. "Well the boss says to try and remember all orders so that if a customer comes in again we can do their order quicker, if its the same thing." I said quickly which made her laugh.

"You're cute, yes I will have my regular, if you can tell me it first." I smirked and answered. "One, tall, black coffee with half a cup of milk and a ham and cucumber sandwich." The girl smiled and nodded her head, I nodded back and left to make her order.

Once I was done I brought the drink and food over and placed it on the table. "Thankyou Catra." She said as she stopped typing to pick up her drink. I blushed realising that she took the time to read my name tag before and remember it now. "No problem Miss." I went to walk away and she called me back. I went back to her table and said. "My name is Adora, I'm going to be coming here a lot in the next year or so, so I wanted to tell you my name." I nodded and blushed. "Well it's nice to meet you Adora."

The next day.

I was wiping down the tables when Adora came in and started up her laptop. She sat at her usual table again and then opened her laptop, she had been here for an hour now and i refilled her coffee twice since we have to ask a long staying customer if they need anything every half an hour, I'm starting to worry that she's drink to much, she might not be getting any sleep.

I go over to her and ask. "Is there anything else I can get you?" I smiled and crossed my fingers behind my back that she wouldn't ask for another drink. "Yeah can you help me with my book." I smiled and sat down opposite her. "Of course Adora."

Adora then turned her laptop so it was in the middle of us and we could both see it. "So I'm writting a book about a woman who has a sword and is fighting against an evil army called the Horde, her friends are helpful, but she's the most powerful, but my problem is... I want to give her a girlfriend but I have never been in love before." I smiled at the lesbians representation she's putting in her book and answered. "Well, I'm not sure how much i can help you just by describing it." Adora shrugged and asked. "Please try." I nodded and answered.

"Love is a powerful sense of empathy toward their beloved, feeling the other person's pain as their own and being willing to sacrifice anything for the other person."

(From Google,

"Wow thats beautiful Catra." Adora saud which madd me blush, she finished writting my words down and then it hit me. "Wait you've never been in love?" I asked which made her blush. "I wasn't allowed to date in school, so I never really even formed crushes, I just focused on school work." I smiled at her explanation before accidentally touching my knee on her's. "Could I take you on a date?" I asked which made Adora blush hard. "Oh my gosh yesss!"

We both laughed and then we wrote down eachother's numbers into our phones and I went back to qork and she went back to writting.

My shift was over four hours later so I walked over to Adora and said. "My shift is done, do you want to go on a date now?" I blushed hard and she answered. "Yes of course lets go." She saved her work and turned off her laptop before closing it and putting it in her bag. We left the cafe and left to stsrt the perfect date.

Fandom One Shots Lesbian. 16+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora