The Risky Mission For Food!. Catra x Adora. 🥰

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Catra's pov

I waited until the dead of night to sneak into Brightmoon's kitchen. The food they have here is delicious and they have lots of it what's one or a few things missing gonna do? I crawled out of Adora's arms and bed before taking Melog and making them turn us invisible.

We ran past all of the guards in the upstairs hall and made it to the stairs where we took a break and them went again. I was watching Melog as they meowed at me. "I promise I'll get you some of the goo you love."

Just as I finished my sentence I looked up to see Adora stood at the door to the kitchen with her arms crossed I came out of the invisibility and looked at the floor. "Hey Catra, now tell me, why did you run away to the kitchen?" I looked at Melog and answered. "I just wanted a snack." Adora smiled and gave me a small ca-ake I think they are called. "Thankyou." I said as I kissed her cheek.

Adora smiled as I ate it then frowned. We still have to ration food since the farms just got started up again." I stood by her and held my girlfriend's hand. "Hey its okay, we grew up on rations remember." Adora smiled and we hurried back to her room.

I curled up in the bed and Adora positioned herself comfortably next to me and Melog slept on the giant p-pillows we never use, they are too comfy. "Night Catra." Adora said as she kissed my cheek and then once on the lips. "I love you." I breathed out which made her wrap around my waist. "I love you too Cat."

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