Highschool Rivals. Adora x Catra. 🥰

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Adora and Catra go to rival schools, Catra goes to Horde High and Adora goes to Brightmoon Academy. These schools have always been rivals in every sport and in every academic quiz. And Catra being bitter exes with Adora contribute by both being on each School's football team.

Adora's pov

I got ready for the last game against Horde High with the rest of my team before summer and the end of school, it was a home game today so we were in our changing room.

"Okay team, today we show those Horde Scums that we will not let them win!" I yelled my Captain speech, and they all cheered with me. I put my shin pads on and ran towards the pitch.

I was in centre looking at Octavia , the Horde's Captain, as the ref asked me. "Head or tails." I looked to him and answered, "Heads." He flipped it and he yelled. "Heads!" He then blew the whisle and we started the game with my first kick.

After the first 45 minutes, the score was 2-1.

I went to wash my face and tidy my hair in the bathroom. I got to the sink to clean myself up when I heard a purring noise. "Happy to see me Catra?" I asked as I washed my hands. "Very, it's been a while since I've had a chance to beat you." She said as she came towards me, I watched her in the mirror and laughed. "You're down a point you won't be able to score again."

Catra came into my space and looked into my eyes. "I see the worry in your eye Adora, don't worry I'm sure your team won't best you up to much if you lose." My eyes darted to her lips, oh I miss them...Snap out of it Adora! I pushed her away but she didn't seem angry. "Fight me Adora you know you want to." She purred into my ear as she walked past.

I cribbed her arms and pinned her to the wall. "Don't make me hurt you, you know we will both be benched if I do." Catra laughed and looked at my lips. I huffed and backed away. "Don't try anything." I warned her before leaving the bathroom.

Once on the pitch again I got ready to play, the plan was to keep Mermista open, so I had to act like I was going to kick it to Purfuma and then Glimmer would slide in and kick it to Mermista. We did just that and Mermista ran with the ball towards the goal where they put Kyla, rooky move Horde scum. Mermista kicked it into the goal and we all cheered. I slapped her back and we carried on playing until the game was over.

"Horde High 2 to Brightmoon Academy 4. Brightmoon Academy are the year's winners!!!" The announcer said over the speaker. I celebrated with my team and we all go out of our sweety kits.

Once we finished getting ready and I was given the trophy, Glimmer yelled. "Party at my house!" I laughed and cheered with the team before we all headed to her house which was only in the next street.

Glimmer called her boyfriend Bow to grab some pop and snacks for the team. Of course health ones. I sat down the sofa whilst the rest of the team partied and danced. Bow and Sea Hawk came into the house with snacks and ten large bottles of Pepsi.

I put the trophy on a high self so it wouldn't get lost or broken. "We are the best team ever!" Frosta yelled, I laughed and agreed with her.

After about an hour lots more student came to the house, it was packed so I took the trophy to Glimmer's room and hid it. Just incase.

I sat on the stairs and watched everyone having fun. "There's a Horde High fight outside!" Someone yelled so I ran out to see that Catra and Octavia were fighting on the ground. Everyone was yelling and making bets, but the fight didn't last long when Octavia got the high ground and punched Catra in the head which knocked her out.

Everyone left and some headed home since it was now 10 o'clock. "That's what happens when you miss a block on purpose." She yelled at the unconscious girl. The team left and I went to Catra, she was bleeding everywhere and had a black eye. I picked her up and put her in my car

I then drove home and brought her inside and laid her down on my bed. She was a mess. "Oh Catra I'm so sorry." I whispered and got the first aid kit. "A-adora?" Catra asked when I sat back down on the bed. "Hey Catra, just relax I'm gonna clean you up." Catra hissed at me when I went to touch her eye. I carried on anyway knowing her hissing was an empty threat.

"Why do you want to help me?" I got her to hold a cold bag to her eye and answered. "Because your team was going to just leave you there." Catra sighed and whispered. "Everyone hates me." I shook my head and put a plaster on her deep cut which was on the side of her arm. "I never hated you." Catra huffed and pulled her legs up. "Then why did you leave me?" She asked about to cry, I finished cleaning her arms and sat on the bed more.

"I didn't leave you Catra, you broke up with me." I then pulled her onto my lap and held her close. She rested her head on my chest. "Ah I missed these." I laughed and asked. "My boobs?" Catra simply nodded which made me laugh. "I want to be your friend Catra, if we can't date then at least give me that." I said looking into her eye. "Okay I'll try." She smiled.

We sat their holding eachother until Catra's eye stopped swelling.

"Want dinner here?" I asked which made Catra laugh. "Of course."

Fandom One Shots Lesbian. 16+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ