My Poor Supers Lena x Kara. 🥰

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Lena's pov

I walked down the grey hallways in my lab, heading towards the cells The first one was the one who killed my brother, his Earth name is Clark Cent but his real name is Kal-EL.

I came into his cell and gave him his breakfast, which was toast with butter and a glass of water. I placed the plate down on the bed next to him, I know he can still hurt me. This cell is only lined with enough kriptonite to hinder his powers.

I looked at him, he won't wash up and won't change our of his ripped up suit. He won't even wear his glasses. His hair was long from the year he had been here. He won't let anyone get near him.

"Hello Clark, are we going to try and kill me again today?" I asked with my arms crossed. He sat on his bed and looked to me with anger. "I want you to die..." I sighed and said.

"Killing the man who took away your wife is reasonable Clark, I understand why you would want to do it. Just know that I didn't get revenge and I'm trying to help you."

Clark looked turned away and looked at the toast before picking up the plate and throwing it at me. "You will pay!" He then threw the glass. So I left the room. I am truly trying to help him. He became unhinged when he saw Lex standing over his pregnant wife's dead body.

I grabbed the other plate and glass and headed into his cousin's cell. This one isn't laced in Kryptonite, and she isn't like her cousin. However when Superman went crazy the government wanted me to take care of him and rehabilitate him, then Supergirl became sick with grief after Lex targeted her adopted sister and blew up the hole D.E.O with everyone inside, Lex even killed her adoptive mother. Kara, or Zor-El won't do anything, she could leave her cell but she doesn't. I brought her here which she agreed to but she is in the cell to be near her cousin. I did this without the government telling me to.

I've only had her a few weeks so I do weekly check ups. "Hey Kara." I said in my softest voice. Her bed was made and she kept her room clean, I painted the walls yellow and gave her a desk to write in a journal, I also put up framed pictures of her family at her request. "Hey Lena..." She said not looking at me. I gave her the breakfast and sat in her chair. "Do you want to move upstairs now?" I asked wanting to just hug her but I know it's hard for her I just want her to be happy again. "Maybe, Clark screams at night. I think he's mad." I nodded my head and asked. "You haven't had a bath since you moved in, would you like to have one? Or a shower?"

Kara sighed. "I feel like I can't, I can't stand up." I looked at her worried. "Have you not been walking?" Kara nodded her head so I stood up and pulled her up so she was standing, she was a little wobbly but she then started to move. "Thankyou." Kara cried still holding onto my hand. She rested her head against my chest so I wrapped my arms around her. "Do you want me to run you a bath?" I asked. Kara nodded so we left for the bathroom and I started the bath.

I then added bubbles and a bath bomb. "Want me to leave you to it?" I asked which Kara shook her head at. "Help me?" She asked in a weak voice. I nodded my head and started to take her clothes off I didn't even remember my attraction to her because I knowthat's not what she needs..

Once I was done I helped Kara into the bath and she made me sit next to her. "What to talk about anything?" I asked whilst I held her hand. "When the bomb went off I was at the graveyard where Alex was. And all I could think was. I should of saved her, then Brainy earpiece phoned me and told me not to come to the D.E.O and of course I went but it was gone. I saw Brainy and Neianal holding eachother, they just looked asleep."

Kara cried filling the bathwater with salty tears. "Lena I should of died with them. Why can't I seem to die, everytime someone trying to kill me. It never works." I didn't know what to say. I just held her. "I want to die." I shook my head. "No Kara, you don't. Clark and you need to live." Kara looked mad. "Why?" I breathed out. "Because someone needs to keep their memories alive." Kara shook her head. "Clark won't be okay. The government will tell you to kill him." Kara said. "Maybe, but I won't kill him. I am trying to help him. Maybe when you feel better you can too."

Kara then got out of the bath and dressed before we grabbed her things and brought her upstairs into my house and then the room I had ready for her. "Thankyou Lena." Kara smiled which made me smile. "Its the least I could do.


This was going to be very different at first but now it's a tear festival sorry.

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