Movie Plot. Catra x Adora. 🥰

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So I really want a movie for Shera and this was the idea I had thought of for the plot, I'm sure the original writers will think of something better though.

Scene 1.

Catra and Adora now adults and married are in their room talking about a birthday party but it's not revealed who's it is.

Adora remembers her first real birthday party with Glimmer and Bow and tells Catra. Catra remembers hers and reminds adora.

Then a little cat comes running through the door with a little girl following behind. Catra catches the kitten and picks them up. "Woah Finn slow down." Finn is 10 years old and their friend Arrow is 8 Finn tells their mums about their cool birthday party.

Finn and Arrow leave with Adora and Catra to the hall where the party is set up and all of the rebellion and their kids are there. Finn runs around like they are already high on suger and Adora sits with catra on her lap and kissed her cheek. "Catra? Do you want another kitten?" She asks.

But before Catra can answer a ship lands right outside and multiple cat like people come rushing out the leader states they are the Magicats. (the magicats are their name in the old show)

All the kids run to their parents besides Finn. "They look like you..." adora whispers Finn walks over to the leader and says "Hey you are a cat person too I thought me and mum we the only ones!" Catra and Adora rush towards their child and Catra pushes them behind the two. "I am She-ra the protector and Princess Adora. And I would like to know why you are hear." Adora says ready to transform if she needs to.

The leaders explains that a baby was taken from their home and they have spent 30 years tracking down the kitten. And now they want revenge.

Hordak stands up and goes to the leader. "I am sorry your grace but the woman who stole that child is dead other wise we would of given her to you but there is kitten you speak of." Hordak points to Catra. The leader smiles and has the guards jump everyone and grab Finn and Catra Adora calls out for the horror of greyskull and Catra crys out for her wife. Shera trys to get past the cat guards but there are too many.

Her family is taken onto the ship and it fly away the rest of the magicats rush to their own ships and Shera turns back into Adora.

"I have to save them!" She says to the rebels they all stand ready to fight and all the children huddle together. "Adora we haven't been in battle since we were young adults do you really think we'll be able to take on an army that big. " Mermista says concerned. Adora looks to the children and then to the rebels. "Yes I do!"

"Okay who wants to stay behind to take care of Brighmoon and the kids?" Scorpia and Purfuma stand at the ready with Frosta.

"Okay now the rest of you get on the ship. Entrapta can you track them?" She nods and they all head to the ship.

On the ship adora trys to sleep but can't without her wife. "Adora.." Hordak smiles from the door. "Its going to be okay my child, we will get them back. "Thanks Hordad " Adora smirks and Hordak ruffles her hair. "Try to sleep we can't have a tried soldier." Adora frowns then asks. "What do you know of my real parents, not that you aren't a good dad but yknow." Hordak sits down and the two discuss her planet and why he stole her.

Adora hugs her dad and he leaves the room adora falls asleep.

The next day the team make a battle plan.

Entrapta says they've made it to the planet.

They land in the woods and send Bow to get some footage of the area on his drone. Glimmer tella ports to find the best attack spots and the rest train.

Shera and Hordak go into the Palace to try talking.


Catra and Finn are trapped in a room with two cats that look like them. "Please try to understand, we are your parents...Catra..." Her mother finds in hard to use Catra's name but her Father is just happy. "Aftet 30 years my darling you are home." Catra hissed at them and pulled her child behind her. "This isn't our home you stole us from our home. Don't you see you can't just take someone from their family."

The two are sad now and the mother trys to talk to Finn. "Hi I'm your granny, it must be strange seeing so many like you." Finn shrugged and tried not to cry. "I miss mum and Arrow."

Back with Adora.

Shera came to the thrownroom and kneeled down. Hordak followed and Shera spoke. "Your Highness I am requesting that you release my wife and child. We are as much their family as you are."

"Under his care we learn that he raised you two and more to be child soldiers. " Hordak sighed and nodded his head. "Yes its true, but Adora healed me of my darkness. I just want to help her be hole again. "

A door opened and out rushed Catra and Finn. "Adora!!" Catra yelled Shera turned into Adora and hugged her wife. "I've missed you so much." They say together.

Finn joins the hug and Catras parents rush in. "Please child we need you to stay home. Bring your wife." Catra shook her head. Sorry but I can't. This is my family and our planet needs us. " the solider cats are sent out and the family run.

They get into the ship but it crashes into a hill and the Princesses are forced to stay on this planet.

The Princesses are sent to a big room to share and Adora with Catra and Finn are put into another room that is nicer and less crowded.

The family are requested to join Catra's parents for dinner so the except and sit at dinner.

Catra sarcastically thanks them for the meal and Finn adds outstanding they ruined their birthday. Catra's parents are saddened but still feel to be ignorant to their "family's" pain.

Afora tries to be nice but it ends in yelling with Catra's father saying. "You don't know them you will never be excepted to our family because you are nothing more than a Etherian. " catra stands up and yells back  "I'm Etherian too, and so is Finn so you can't use that as an excuse not to respect her!" the family leave the table.

Catra and Adora hold eachother close in bed as Finn sleeps on the end like a cat. "Adora, you don't have to prove anything to them, you know I love you and Finn loves you. They aren't my parents they are just the ones who made me. "

Adora and Catra cuddle and soon fall asleep.

Entrapta and Hordak get the ship working again and Adora now Shera is standing guards so no Magicats try and stop them. "I wish you wouldn't leave us Kitten." Catra's mother says and goes to touch her. Catra hits her away and takes Finn to her side. "We don't belong here."

Just then loads of soldiers are sent out to attack the Princesses the fight bsckand get Catra and Finn into the ship.

The fight lasts a while and Shera sword fights Catra's father, she knocks his sword away and  says. "If you would of been nice about wanting to see your daughter again then we would of been nice back."

She knocks him out and runs to the ship they take off and go back to their planet.

The kids are happy to see their parents and Catra and Adora leave the chaos to the balcony where they kiss and Catra holds her wife and asks. "Can we have another kitten?" Adora agrees and they leave to the blessings tree that grants all child birth.

The ask for a baby kitten and Catra stomach grows a little, "you have been blessed." The tree says and the two leave holding hands.

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