♥ IHateOneDirection ♥ |four|

Start from the beginning

"Uhhhh FAYE!! HELP!! OPEN THE DOOR QUICK!" I screamed. 

"Not opening till you apologize!" I heard her. 

"I'm in serious danger here!" I pounded on the door. No answer.  Dang it.  I made a run for it and hid in the Dark alley. 

I quickly took out my phone and dialed a number. Mum was no use, she's too busy working. Faye's being a bitch so I called the only person that could help me. 

Rrrrr. Rrrrr. Please, please pick up.

"Hello?"   God I've always hated the sound of his voice.

"Hey, it's me Lize. I need help..."


"What do you mean you got locked out of  your own house?" he looked at me as I was an idiot. 

"Faye locked me out. We kinda got into a fight okay?"  I groaned. Stop asking questions already.

"I already feel bad enough that I have to stay here for the night so please stop making me feel stupid," I sighed.

"You should feel bad. I had use my car and wear a disguise just to pick you up without getting skinned alive by a dozen of little girls,"  Harry spat out.  

Yes. I was in the house of Harry Styles from One direction because I couldn't go home.  Paparazzi's were surrounding my home, probably scared Faye made her hide under the bed for the night. I got about 20 messages from her about why were there paparazzi outside the door and also how sorry she is.  Unfortunately, I haven't told her where I was.  I shouldn't. She'd go berserk and call me a backstabber.  Instead I told her I stayed over at the hostel nearby and used my savings to pay for it. Sounds like a convincing lie so why not. 

"Where are the guys?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

" They're still packing at the hotel. They're moving in tomorrow morning," He answered, blowing at his hot coco.  Man I want one. I was getting kinda hungry. I eyed at it, deliciously like how the big bad wolf would look at little red riding hood.

"You want one?" I heard a voice and snapped out of my daze. 


"I said, do you want one."  He repeated, with a hint of annoyance.

"If you're gonna ask like that, who would want any?" I rolled my eyes. He sighed and went to his Gold Mine cave, he calls his  'kitchen'.  Technically, this was his mum's place but she wasn't in town.

He came back with my hot coco and he passed it to me. I took a sip after I stirred it warm enough to drink. 

"Mmm.." I smiled. "This tastes good," I commented. 

"Thanks, It's my special," the corner of his mouth tugged up.

" What's the secret ingredient?" I asked, trying to come up with a topic.

"Pfft. I'm not telling you," he turned on the Tv and looked through the channels. 

"Pfft. I wasn't that interested anyway," I scoffed.  There was awkward silence, besides the sound of channels changing.

"Hey where's the bathroom?"  I asked, as I got up.

" Up the stairs, walk straight down the hallway, turn left, keep walking, 4th door on your right," he said all of them in breath. My eyes went wide. I didn't even remember half of what he said.  Ehk, I'll find my way.

I walked up the stairs and kept on walking. How many rooms does he need? There were like almost ten door on each side. At the end of the hallway, another hallway?!  Did he say left or right? Ugh.  There should be at least one bathroom for each side right? I decided to just take the right side. Right is usually right.  I walked a bit further and I realized the hallway ended after 4 doors. He said 4th doors on my right, right? I only remembered that part. Must be it.   As I opened the door , the colors blue and orange met my eyes. What a weird combination.  This certainly isn't the bathroom. I better get out before he finds me in here. I was about to close the door but then something fell from the dressing table. I should put it back  or he'll think I went in here. 

I looked outside the room to see whether he was near. "Okay coast is clear," I muttered under my breath. I quickly ran and picked the  paper off the ground. Wait- this isn't paper. It's a photo of.. Harry and T-Taylor Swift?

"What the hell are you doing !" I heard a raspy voice in rage. 

"Harry! God I almost died! " I jumped, my heart almost popped out of my chest. I held my hand over my chest. He rushed in and snatched the photo away from my hands and kept in a file. 

" Are you a crazy fan or something?! I'm fine with you buying our music but going through people's private stuff is going too far!" he held my wrist tightly. 

'Let go Harry! It hurts!" I cried in pain. 

" I shouldn't have brought you here!"

"Harry calm down! I didn't go in here on purpose okay? I got lost and went to the wrong hallway! I'm not a crazy fan and certainly not even a fan. Not let go off me! Any body taught you how to treat a girl right?!" I screamed and slipped out of his hold, fiercely. 

"You're hardly a girl," he muttered. 

"Excuse me?" I gaped at him, rubbing my wrist. Thanks to this douche, I have red marks.

"Get out of my room." He ordered.  

" Gladly," I walked past him, hitting his shoulder on purpose.  " And FYI, Blue and Orange is a horrible combination!" I spat out, stomping down the stairs. Why did I even ask him to help? You know what? I should leave. I shouldn't have came here in the first place. That's right. I'm leaving this place. Even though I'm gonna miss this nice place, I'm not gonna spend another second in this house with this idiot.

I went towards the entrance and started putting on my sandals.

"And where do you think you're going?" I felt a presence hover above. I turned and saw him standing with folded arms. Wow, since when was he a fast walker?

"And here I thought you didn't want me here."

"I don't." 

"Then I shall go." I faked a smiled and got up. 

" But I can't let you. It's in the middle of the night and it's dangerous for a girl." 

" Really? Am I really a girl in your eyes? I think I can handle myself, thank you very much," I scoffed. 

"Not that I care.. but how are you gonna get home? I drove you here by car in 20 minutes. How long are you gonna take if you walked? I bet you don't even know where to start."  He raised his eyebrows.  I looked at him. He hit every spot. Every jackpot.  But being the stubborn person that I am, I wasn't going to let him win this conversation. 

"Well, I'm not gonna spend the night here with an ass, so how about you tell me?"  I folded my arms.

"I'm gonna act as if the whole thing didn't happen and we both go back in and watch some TV. How about that love?" 

I snickered.

" I'm not gonna act like it didn't happen because it did. I'm going in to watch TV but that doesn't change the fact that you're still an ass.  And for future reference, don't ever, ever call me 'love'.  I walked past him, smirking. 

Sorry, that's just the way I roll.

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