Part 4 Chapter 8 : Battle of Jin-Hark Port

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Before long, a large number of objects appeared to emerge from the Myto Empre ships. It was the tanks and AFVs and transport vehicles that got out of the amphibious assault ship and moved to the shore using the repulsorlift. The tank also fired on suspicious-looking targets on the coast, possibly containing the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria. Soon, the entire army from Myto had landed, and started walking towards the port city of Jin-Hark.

A small part of the army remained around the coast to protect the coast where the Myto Empire troops landed. This was because the beach was turned into a logistics center for the Myto troops, and amphibious assault ships were approaching the coast to unload various supplies. In addition, around the coast, an emergency airport will be constructed which will be landed by some of the airspeeders owned by both the amphibious assault ship and the light aircraft carrier belonging to the Myto Empire. In addition, a POW camp from the Kingdom of Lauria was started in preparation to accommodate the surrendered troops of the Kingdom of Lauria.

The troops' journey from the Myto Empire to the port city of Jin-Hark wasn't that far, as the Myto Empire's troops took less than 20 minutes. There was no resistance at all throughout the journey of the Myto Empire troops. Even the civilians dodged when they saw the Myto Empire's troops pass by.

In addition to land and air forces, the Myto Empire also deployed several destroyer class star ships equipped with landing modules that were filled with dark troopers. This is done as a precaution in case things happen that are not desirable. Leader Myto is very weary of mage troops who can use magic. If needed, the turbolaser from this starship can perform orbital bombardment to destroy Jin-Hark in one hit. In addition, the sensors from the destroyer are focused on Jin-Hark to map Jin-Hark in great detail and observe everything that happens on Jin-Hark.

Due to the effects of aerial bombardment and the use of cannons, the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria who were in the port city of Jin-Hark could not do much to fight the forces of the Myto Empire. Moreover, when viewed, the quality of the army in terms of technology and training is very different, more than thousands of years of technological differences. None of the Myto troops were injured, although on several occasions the Kingdom of Lauria's troops were able to use bows to attack the Myto Empire troops. This is because the Myto troops use Stormtrooper uniforms that have composite armor. After a prolonged fight, all the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria surrendered and the POWs began to be taken out of the city to the landing zone area, where a campsite had been made to accommodate the POWs.

The war took place for quite a long time because it took place in the city, so it was practically a city war. But the Myto Empire troops have scanners that are able to find the Kingdom of Lauria troops hiding in buildings. In addition, the probe droid was used to observe the vicinity of the Myto Empire troops. In addition, the probe droid also scans to find and map secret paths underground that may be used by the Kingdom of Lauria's troops. The war was complicated by the presence of civilians who often became friends of the Kingdom of Lauria's troops. But the Myto Empire troops used the stun setting in cases like this, so as not to injure the civilians. Little by little, the port city was conquered.

By nightfall, the Myto Empire's troops remained in the harbor of Jin-Hark, not attacking the interior of Jin-Hark City, which was within the city fortifications. However, special forces from the Kingdom of Lauria, in the form of assassins and other special forces, carried out attacks throughout the night. In this case, the Myto Empire's troops were only defending.





Military Bunker, Jin-Hark City

General Patajin was horrified to hear that the harbor portion of the Jin-Hark capital had been taken over by the Myto Empire's troops. It was estimated that the Myto army's attack on the city of Jin-Hark would take place tomorrow. With this development, it became impossible for the Royal Army to reach the Jin-Hark capital in such a short time. General Patajin made plans for the evacuation of the royal family and government to the ancient capital of Qin-Hark if conditions became critical. Troops containing the Royal Army will be used to defend the corridor for the transfer of the capital. The troops will face off against troops from the Kingdom of Quila. A portion of the main force that managed to gather and the rest of the regional security forces that were near the border would be used to block the Principality of Qua Toyne's forces before they could reach Jin-Hark. Meanwhile, the troops inside the city of Jin-Hark will hinder the troops from the Myto Empire.

In support of that, all of the remaining Kingdom of Lauria warships were ordered to immediately sail to the old capital of Qin-Hark. They would dock at the fishing port closest to Qin-Hark. Qin-Hark is a city located in the hinterland. The exception was the small fleet anchored by Jin-Hark that could be used for emergency evacuation overseas, possibly to Palpadia. The escape routes were carefully prepared and a number of elite troops were deployed to guard the refugee forces.

Tomorrow morning, General Patajin and the other generals will persuade King Hark to flee from Jin Hark. If possible, King Hark and other high-ranking officials are expected to flee to Palpadia as planned, but if the king does not want to, then it is hoped that King Hark will flee to the old capital of Qin-Hark. This was to prevent the Kingdom of Lauria from collapsing.
In order to prevent the night attack, there were a number of vanguard and assassin troops belonging to the Kingdom of Lauria standing guard in the ruins near the fortification of the city of Jin-Hark facing the harbor. In the event of an attack, the task of these troops is to provide early warning to other troops. In addition, Castle Hark's security was strengthened. Some troops were also ordered to carry out limited attacks. This is done to make the Myto Empire troops unable to rest, so it is hoped that it will take longer to rest so that it can give time to the Kingdom of Lauria troops.

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