~Thirty Nine~

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"Tae, stop aggravating your sister!" Y/n yells, silently amused as she watches her ten year old pester Aeri while her "boyfriend" is over studying. Taehyung laughs as he shoots Aeri in the head again with a NERF dart and runs out of the room, leaving her groaning and fuming. "JIMIN!!! I'm going to KILL him!" Aeri screams as Taehyung's laughs fade while he's running away. "Whoa son" Jimin calls as he catches his son, mid run, around the waist and scoops him up in a football hold. "Dad, let me go!" Taehyung struggles against his dad as he's giggling, knowing he's caught for tormenting his sister. Jimin sits him down on his feet but keeps hold of his wrist. "What have your Eomma and I told you about picking at your sister?" Jimin is trying to keep a straight face and stay in dad mode but Y/n can see right through him. She walks into the hallway smirking. "You can't scold him with a smile on your face Jimin. Tae, if you don't leave Aeri and Donghyun alone then I'm calling uncle Kook and making him work you out until you puke!" Taehyung's smile fades and his eyes go wide. "You wouldn't do that to me Eomma" he almost whispers when he couldn't see any sign of joking on her face. She glances at Jimin who turns away to hide his smile and then looks sternly back to her son. "Try me. Now leave them alone so they can get their work done." Taehyung sighs and nods, knowing Jungkook would happily listen to his mom; he was her best friend after all. "Fine! But I'm bored and they won't play with me!" He whines. Jimin laughs and pats his back. "She's a teenager Tae, she wants her own space sometimes. And she plays with you a lot. So does Donghyun. So let them work right now. I'm heading to the company for a few hours, you wanna come with me and watch?" Taehyung's eyes light up. "Yes!" Jimin smiles and then walks to Y/n and kisses her softly. "I have to go help with a small part the new group can't get before Hobi kills them. I'll be back soon. I'll take Tae with me to get him out of Ri's hair. Love you." She laughs and replies, "love you too. Be careful. And Tae, be good!"

Y/n and Jimin have been married for ten years now and, although no marriage is perfect, they have a really strong one. Being in their 30's when they had Taehyung and already having a six year old, they agreed one kid together was enough. They were blessed and never felt a need to add to their family more. Aeri was now freshly sixteen and thought she knew it all, as most teenagers do. Y/n and Zuho have done a great job at co-parenting her and she's grown into an amazingly beautiful, smart and talented young lady. She has developed a love for music, not to any surprise to Y/n, and Zuho has been helping her to develop her natural singing voice in her hopes to become a solo singer one day. Y/n had, and still does have, many reservations about her making a career in music, but she knows Zuho knows what he's doing. The three have talked a lot about it, and Aeri agreed to finish high school before pursuing anything. Zuho has released a few covers on YouTube that Aeri has sung and she has gained tons of fans already. But Y/n and Zuho have done a great job at keeping her life as normal as possible, seeing how she's the child of an idol and all. SF9 disbanded a few years ago, as most groups eventually do, but all the members are still close and doing their own things. Zuho has stayed with FNC as a producer and songwriter and is doing very well for himself. He's never married but has had a girlfriend now for a couple of years that Aeri and Y/n like very much. She knows how close the ex couple are and how Aeri is number one in his life. Jimin and Zuho are also very close, going golfing twice a month together, and Y/n is so grateful for that. Zuho is wonderful to Taehyung too, even buying him gifts for holidays and his birthdays, something Y/n and Jimin could have never expected. Jimin and Aeri are still as close as ever. He has never overstepped Zuho and remained as a friend to his step daughter. Aeri adores him still, the two have a special bond no one can touch.

Jungkook and Y/n have remained best friends, and he's been an amazing uncle to her kids. He's the fun uncle who does stuff that drives Y/n and Jimin crazy at times, like taking Aeri skydiving for her sixteenth birthday. He finally settled down about five years ago and actually got married. Y/n wasn't thrilled with Hyrie at first, Hyrie being ridiculously jealous of her and Jungkook's friendship. But eventually Hyrie got it through her head that the hook-ups between Jungkook and Y/n were in the past and there was never romantic feelings and that Y/n was deeply in love with Jimin.
Y/n was aggravated that Jungkook even told her but he was in love with her and wanted to be totally honest with her. He also wanted to make it clear to her from the beginning, that Y/n was forever in his life and no one or nothing would change that. Once Hyrie let go of her jealousy, the two women have gotten closer. Jungkook and Hyrie have a four year old son also, Juyeon, and he's a clone of Jungkook. They still live in Busan but they all get together once a month or so.
Y/n still can't believe Jungkook really fell in love and got married. And is a dad! And a great one at that.

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