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It's a beautiful, perfect late spring day as Y/n walks out of her small studio apartment. It's currently 9:30am so she has just enough time to stop at the local coffee shop and grab a cup before her first appointment at the gym at 10am. Y/n is a personal trainer at GFI Gym and she loves her job. She's always loved fitness and being healthy since she was young. She didn't go to college after high school, but has taken a lot of classes to ensure she did her job well and has all the certifications to do just that. She has worked at the gym for about eight months and never once has had that dread some feel about going into work. She was respected by all the employees there; she just loved her job. She was 23 years old and just living her best life. She had girl friends, but only one she considered to be extremely lose to. Sorin. They had been friends since middle school and she moved with Y/n to Busan, as they both wanted more opportunities than what their town had to offer. Sorin was a consultant with an advertising company. They love each other but decided it was best to not live together. They both have their own styles and ways of living, and mutually agreed to live in the same building but to have their own spaces. Y/n was lucky to have her.

She strolled into the gym and was immediately greeted by Taerin at the front desk. "Morning Y/n!" She cutely smiled at Taerin, the receptionist was adorable and so friendly. "Good morning. Is my ten o'clock here yet?" Taerin shook her head, keeping her bubbly smile. "Not yet. I'll send her into the main gym once she arrives." Y/n smiled and nodded, then headed to the back to stuff her bag into her locker and get herself ready. "Morning peach" another trainer, Jungkook said cheekily. Y/n laughed and turned to him. "Hey Kook, you're here early." Jungkook was the top sought after trainer in Busan, his schedule packed daily and he was difficult to get into to. He was a fantastic trainer, and being he was gorgeous, didn't hurt filling his time slots either. They hit it off right off the bat, hooking up a couple times when she first started, but realizing quickly it was best to just be friends. Jungkook was the classic playboy. He knew he was good looking and played on it well. Don't get me wrong, he's hella sweet and would do anything for anyone, and Y/n found him to be a great friend. He was just not one to settle down, he loved women and sex too much. He was very upfront with all of his partners though. Y/n wasn't the type for being fuck buddies, especially with a co-worker, and she genuinely liked him, so they broke their "buddies" ties pretty fast and have become great friends. She could easily say he's her best guy friend.

"I had appointments starting at eight today, the second chick that just left.....DAMN! She doesn't need a trainer at all but I could definitely help her out with other things. And I just may." He gave Y/n a sly wink which she laughed about. He definitely wasn't subtle. She slapped his rock hard bicep. "God Kook! Subtle much?" He stepped closer to her, playboy smile in full view and said, "you know I'm not peach. I say what I want, no point in beating around the bush. I'm just honest....and it got me between your sexy legs a few times if I'm not mistaken." Y/n laughed again and pushed him back a bit, him laughing as well. "You're bad! Let's get out there before Minhyuk comes looking for us."

It was a long day, not bad, just long. By 8:30pm Y/n is showered and back in her comfy clothes, ready to head home for the day. She walked out into the main gym to say bye to Jungkook and Moonbin, knowing she'd get shit from them if she didn't. They were almost like protective brothers to her. She found them at the free weights, as per usual, and watched until they finished a rep. "I'm heading out losers. Be good and don't get any diseases tonight." They both put their weights down, chuckling, and went to hug her goodbye. "You know I'm always protected. Be safe walking home. I hate you walking alone at night." Jungkook released her, smiling fondly at her. "I can handle myself Kook, you know that." She flexed her biceps and the guys laughed, backing away, knowing she's strong. "Still. You're also drop dead gorgeous, a good target for some slimy creep." Y/n rolled her eyes, clicking her tongue. "I dare one to. I'll se you guys tomorrow." They waved and she left the building for her ten minute walk to her apartment. She always called Sorin on her walk, just to be safe, having someone on the line if a creep actually did try to approach her, although it's never happened so far.

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