~Twenty Eight~

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It has been five months and Zuho was finally getting his first break to come home and see Aeri. He'll only have 24 hours so Y/n told him he could just stay the night at her house so he didn't have to leave Aeri at all. Aeri has been bouncing off the walls in anticipation to see her daddy all week, and today she's driving Y/n crazy. "When is Appa going to be here!!!" Y/n rolls her eyes, having heard this exact question fifty times already that day. "He'll be here around eleven Aeri, the same time I've told you over and over again already. "What time is it now?" "It's 8:30am, twenty minutes since the last time you asked." Aeri whines and stomps her feet, irritating Y/n even more. "Throwing a tantrum is not going to make your Appa get here any sooner. You need to try and relax and he'll be here soon." Aeri keeps bouncing around the apartment and asking when Zuho will get there up until the doorbell finally rings. "HE'S HERE!!!!!" Aeri screams as she's running to the door. She swings the door open and runs into her dads arms, knocking him back on the ground because he was squatted down. "APPA!!!" He laughs and hugs her tight, her practically strangling him. "Ahhhh, my girl!" He struggles to his feet because Aeri refuses to let go of him and Y/n walks out and grabs his bag. "Thank god you're here because she's been nutty all week waiting for you" Y/n says and Zuho follows her in the apartment laughing. "At least I know she's missing me." "I miss you so so so much Appa. Every single day"Aeri says, still nuzzled in his neck. "And I miss you so so so much too princess." They all sit in the living room, Y/n taking the chair so Aeri has enough room to smother her dad. He pulls her back and has her stand in front of him. He looks at her from top to bottom and says, "did you grow princess? You look taller." She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. Eomma, did I grow?" Y/n smiles and nods. "I think you've definitely gotten taller. And your feet grew because we had to get you new shoes." Aeri looks at Zuho and smiles proudly. "I'm going to be super tall like you Appa." He kisses her head and beams. "I think so too. But your Eomma isn't short. You have good genes." Aeri scrunches her nose. "I don't like jeans, I like leggings." Both Zuho and Y/n crack up at her comment, Aeri having no clue what he meant by genes.

They spent the day in, the three just hanging out and Y/n letting Zuho and Aeri be together. "I'll go pick up some lunch for you guys and I'll go over to Jimin's or Hobi's for a while so you two can have some time alone." Zuho looks at her and shakes his head. "Don't do that. It's your house for one and I want to see you too. Aeri, do you want your Eomma to leave for a while so you can have me all to yourself?" She looks at him, and then Y/n, and furrows her brows confused. "I don't have to share you because you and Eomma broke up. But you can stay Eomma because you and Appa are still friends and I heard you tell each other you love each other one time. I don't want you or Appa to be sad because you didn't get to see him when he was here." Y/n laughs and shakes her head. She leans down and kisses her head. "You are so sassy. But you're right, Eomma and Appa do still love each other. But just as friends and as your parents now. I can go visit uncle Hobi or Jimin if you want to spend time with Appa all by yourself though since you only get one day princess." She shakes her head. "You can stay too Eomma. I like when you both are with me." Zuho looks up at Y/n and smiles fondly. "Ok then, I'll go get lunch and be right back. Maybe we can watch Sing 2 and you can give your Appa a concert?" Aeri claps and jumps up and down. "YAY, concert!" She yells. "Better get ready Appa because she takes after you. She puts on quite a show." He grabs Aeri and hugs her and kisses her face all over. "I can't wait."

As Y/n is standing in line to pick up their food her phone rings. "Jimin, what's up?" "Hey Y/n, how's Ri enjoying her day with Zuho?" Y/n laughs at how she's been for just the three hours he's been there. "I'm sure you can guess by how spastic she's been all week. She won't let go of him." Jimin laughs through the phone. "I can imagine. What are you up to?" She moves up in line and says, "just picking up lunch." "Hm. For yourself or all three of you?" "All three of us. I asked Aeri if she'd like me to go visit Hobi or you so she could have some alone time with Zuho and she said no. So we're going to have lunch and she's going to give Zuho her concert while we watch fucking Sing 2 again." Jimin laughs loudly hearing her whiny tone at the movies mention. "Awe....Y/nnie, let her have her concert and watch her favorite movie with her Appa." She laughs. "God....I will." She pays for the food and takes her bags and walks out. "What are you up to today? Enjoying your day off?" Jimin chuckles. "If you call cleaning my apartment, catching up on laundry and sitting alone enjoying then yeah, I'm enjoying my day off." Y/n laughs as she gets in her car. "Then go do something pabo! It's a really nice fall day!" Jimin groans. "It's no fun going out alone. I was going to ask if you wanted to grab lunch but I was too late." "I'll take a rain check. He leaves tomorrow and Aeri wants me there too, so I can't bail. How about we plan a lunch?" "Sounds good. You let me know when a good time is and don't say lunch at work or I'll smack you. Or if dinner works better. I'm in need of relaxing with my friend." "I'll let you know. I'll call you tomorrow and we can figure it out, ok?" "Ok" he replies back. "You should think about trying to find a girlfriend Jimin. You've been single for a while now. Ever since what's her name....Seejoo. And that was like a year ago." Jimin groans again. "Dating is too much work! I'm 31 now, I'm too old." She laughs loudly. "Your not too old! And don't say you are because that will mean I'm old and I refuse to go down without a fight." Jimin laughs. "You're only 29, and you look like your still 23. Still smoking hot." "Shut up! You don't look 31 and you know you're fucking hot. You age well. I think you're better looking now than you were when we dated." He playfully scoffs. "Doubtful. But thanks Y/nnie. You look better than when we dated too. More mature and your body....ugh! It turns me on just imagining you." Y/n feels her cheeks heat up and she's glad he can't see how flustered he made her. "Such a flirt." He chuckles. "It's one thing you've always loved about me I thought. How flirty I am with you and easily I can make you blush. I bet your cheeks are red right now." She pulls into her parking garage and sighs, still blushing. "Stop it" she giggles. "I'm back home though and can't carry the bags and hold my phone, so I'm going to get off here. I'll call you tomorrow and we can figure out when to get together to give you some adult interaction you homebody." Jimin feels his dick twitch when she says adult interaction, knowing exactly what he wishes it meant. "Ok beautiful. Have fun tonight and I'll talk to you tomorrow." They hang up and she heads back up to her apartment.

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