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Y/n woke to the screech of her alarm and groaned as she slammed it quiet with her hand. She sat up and glanced around, a huge smile spreading across her face. It's her first day at FNC. The thought helped wake her up and she jumped out of bed and into the shower. While she was curling her hair she heard her phone going off in the bedroom. She ran back and smiled, seeing her brothers face on the screen. "Hobi!! Good morning!" His smile has always been infectious since they were young. He has been a huge supporter and positive influence in her life. She loved him very much. "Morning my Y/nnie! Ready for your first day as an idol trainer?" Idol trainer. Well, a fitness trainer, but still. "Yes! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet everyone. I wonder if I'll meet any idols. I know Rowoon is under their label with SF9. What I'd give to see him today. He's hot!" Hobi laughs and shakes his head at his sister. "I'm sure you'll meet some idols Y/nnie, they're very quick to introduce you so you can build a rapport with them. As for Rowoon, I'm not sure. I heard he's working on a drama right now and he's normally not at the company much when he films." She pouts and whines, "thanks for bursting my bubble before I even get there." Hobi laughs again. "You'll meet him in due time Y/nnie. And I'm sure there will be plenty of other good looking idols to keep your eyes happy." She smiles and nods. They talk until she's set to head out. "Good luck my baby!!! Call me later tonight to tell me how the day went!" "Will do bro. Bye bye." They end the call as she exited the stairwell, she never takes the elevators so she gets a little cardio, and almost skips to her car.

After a 40 minute drive she planned to take 15 she's late and running into the building. Thank god she's athletic. She runs up to the front desk and is greeted with a smiling middle aged woman. Panting she says, "I'm so sorry. I'm Jung Y/n and today is my first day. I'm a fitness trainer." The lady smiles warmly and looks at her screen, typing for a moment. "Ah yes" she says. "You can take the elevator over here to the right today and go up to the sixth floor. The receptionist there will guide you from there." Y/n nods and bows then hurriedly walks to the elevator. She makes a mental note to know where the stairwells are by the end of the week. Once inside she hits 6 and leans back against the wall. She takes some deep breaths to calm her heart down and is all ready by the time she hears the ding and exits on the sixth floor. She walks up to the receptionist there and she quickly escorts her to an office and knocks. They are invited in and only Y/n enters. The office isn't as big as she'd thought but then again, this company isn't HYBE. She is greeted by the chief of Human Resources, she gets her picture taken for her badge, and is escorted down the hall to a set of large doors. "Yeji is inside, she'll be showing you around and training you on what's expected of you as in job duties. Good luck Miss Jung." Y/n smiles and bows then enters the large room.

Once she steps in she sees lean male bodies everywhere. She quickly knows a lot of them are idols, she recognizes their faces. She walks up to a woman and asks for Yeji. Yeji is standing in front of the sea of gorgeous idols and Y/n feels half self conscious to walk in front of all of them. She's always been extremely confident with her appearance and body, but idols? They're all so fit! She takes a deep breath and walks toward Yeji. She's lining the guys and Y/n clears her throat to get her attention. Yeji looks and greets Y/n with a warm smile. "I bet your Hobi's sister. You guys look similar, except you're prettier. Don't tell him I said that though." She winks at her and Y/n can already tell the two will get along fine. "It's nice to meet you." Yeji nods then pulls her by her elbow along with her. "So I'm gonna just have you jump right in if that's alright. We've got two of our groups here and are attempting to get one mass workout done. Some of the members are hard to wrangle in though. You'll figure out quick enough who those are, CHANI." she says his name loud and he smiles then flips her off. Y/n is taken aback. Yeji quickly notices and laughs. "You'll also figure out soon enough that these guys are just that...guys. They all put on their best faces for their fans and the cameras, but here we want them to be able to be themselves. Having to be perfect all the time can be daunting and exhausting, don't you think?" Y/n nods and continues to follow Yeji. "Ok everyone, this is Jung Y/n. She's our newest fitness trainer. The company has finally seen fit to relieve me of some of the stress of your asses and gave me someone. So, since she's here I'm going to split you in half or you can divide up in your own groups. Your choice." They all start talking and Youngbin, the leader of SF9 speaks for the whole. "I think just dividing us would be good. That way we can chat between groups." Yeji nods and then looks at Y/n. "How do you want to do this? Pick teams or just let them split?" She laughs and Y/n says, "I don't know. Whatever they'd like to do? Let them split themselves?" Yeji nods and turns to the guys. "Split yourselves into two groups. As even as possible since a couple are missing today. I'll be over here to the left and Y/n to the right to lead you guys and check postures during yoga." Most guys all start making a mad dash to the right, shoving each other away. Yeji laughs and claps. She turns to Y/n and laughing, says, "looks like you're the new candy. Be careful because a few of them will bite if you let them." She gives her a wink and walks over to help the guys split since they're still shoving for the right side. Y/n blushes and walks behind her.

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