~Thirty Two~

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After another round in bed and also the shower, Jimin and Y/n opted to wait for Aeri to get home to eat, since it was almost 11am and close to lunch time. Aeri comes busting in the door as the two sit on the couch talking. "Eomma!!!" Aeri barrels to her mother, enormous squishmallow in her tiny arms, and jumps into her lap. Y/n laughs as she gets pushed back by the huge plushie and laughs. "What is this? Another one?" Aeri nods and squeezes her new plushie tight with both arms. "It's so soft and squishy Eomma. Feel it!" Y/n plays along and squeezes and over exaggerates how soft it is. "Oh wow Aeri, you're right! Super soft and super squishy." Hobi is all smiles as unsual as he walks in and sits Aeri's bag down. Y/n gave him a playful glare when she said, "I told you not to buy her stuff." Hobi just shrugs and laughs as he takes a seat in the chair. "Hey Jiminie, you're here early." Jimin smiles and Hobi automatically narrows his eyes. He looks from Jimin to Y/n a few times and his eyes grow wide. "No!" He squeaks, causing Jimin to laugh and Y/n to shoot him a 'shut the fuck up' look. Hobi's look of shock grows into a huge smirk. "I better get details soon. I want to know everything." Y/n shoots him another glare and Aeri, being the bright little munchkin she is asks, "know everything about what Eomma?" Her face blushes and she glares at Hobi who is trying to stifle a laugh along with Jimin, and shakes her head. "Nothing angel. Uncle Hobi is just acting silly." Aeri is satisfied with that because Hobi acts silly a lot. She giggles. "Silly uncle Hobi." Y/n kicks Jimin hard and he winces and stops laughing. "Sorry" he says softly with a small smile. "I'm hungry Eomma" Aeri whines. "I figured you would be ready for lunch so I waited to eat with you. Eomma is starving." Hobi chokes a laugh, trying to play it off as a cough, but can't let this opportunity slip away. "I wonder why? Jimin, do you know why?" Jimin turns away from everyone and shakes his head, but
Y/n can see his shoulders shaking. He's laughing. She sighs and slides Aeri to the cushion between her and Jimin and stands. "You two are ridiculous! I'm going to go start lunch."

As she's making the pork Hobi walks in with a huge shit eating grin on his face. Y/n rolls her eyes as he leans against the counter next to her, just smiling. "Don't start Hobi. I mean it." He feigns innocence and says, "what? I'm just helping my sister make lunch while my niece plays with her new step dad." Y/n's eyes bulge and she punches Hobi repeatedly. He laughs but tries to shield himself from her blows at the same time. "Ow! Ok! Stop Y/nnie! I'm sorry!" He laughs. She stops and glares at him. "Don't say stuff like that!" She scolds him and takes her attention back to the pork. He leans again and smiles. "Just tell me if it happened or not. You know I won't stop bugging you both until someone tells me. He's got the same clothes on he did yesterday Y/nnie." She glances at him and then back to the pork and smiles. "Yeah" she says so softly he barely hears her. But he does. He nudges her and asks, "and??" She shrugs. "And what?" He scoffs and nudges her again. "And Y/n? How do you feel about it? Are you feeling ok about it? It's kind of a big fucking deal." She knows this but doesn't feel anxious about what happened. She feels....happy. She smiles and nods small. "Yeah, I feel ok about it." Hobi smiles wider and wiggles around in a little dance. "Y/nnie! What does it mean? Are you going to get back together?" She looks at him with shock and sees how he's too excited. "Shhh!! Jesus! No we aren't getting back together. I mean....<sigh>....I don't know what I mean. It's complicated." He scoffs again. "It's not that complicated. Did he say anything about feelings last night?" She looks at her brother and quickly realizes he knows how Jimin really feels about her.

"How long have you known Hobi? About how he feels about me?" He shrugs and his smile falls and he looks sad. "Probably like a couple months after he saw you at the mall. I mean, he always said he still loved you, but when he saw you.....his heart was broken. Like broken broken. He was so happy you had obviously found someone because you were hella preggers, but it reminded him of what he had done and what he had lost and it killed him that it wasn't his baby you were carrying. He kept it to himself until I caught him crying in one of the practice rooms one night. Aeri was probably a month or two old. He'd always asked to see photos of Aeri and asked how you were doing. I knew he cared for you so I showed him and told him who Aeri's father was. Then he asked me questions about you and Zuho." Y/n looked at Hobi as he recalled the memory and his face looked pained. "When I was shutting down the floor for the night one night, I heard him crying. I went in and asked him what was wrong and, after some nudging, he told me. He said he was still completely in love with you and knowing you're happy with someone, a famous idol at that, with a baby too....he knew he'd really lost you forever. He was happy for you though but he was so broken down that night. We sat in the room most of the night while he opened up to me about his regrets from what he had done to you and how he'd left that lifestyle behind and had been working so hard to be better hoping, one day, he'd see you again and he'd get a second chance. Aeri was his dose of truth and reality. He'd lost you forever."

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