~Thirty Six~

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Three months later

Things have been great the past three months. Y/n and Zuho have gotten back to their regular routine of co-parenting and Jimin has officially moved in with her. Zuho and Jimin get along great and Y/n is so happy for that because both men are very important to her and she loves them both. Zuho and her had a talk where he basically said the same things to her that he said to Jimin. That he loves her and always will. That he will always be there for her and he's so lucky she is Aeri's mom. He apologized for not being able to give her what she wanted and hopes Jimin will love her the way she deserves this time. And if he hurts her again he will kill him. So Everything is perfect. "Do you think she has a clue?" Hobi asks as he takes a bite of his sandwich. Jimin shakes his head. "I don't think so. The only people who know is you, Zuho, and JK. I was scared to death to ask for Kook's help too, I swear he harbors feelings for her." Jimin grimaces at the thought of how many times Jungkook has slept with his girlfriend. Hobi laughs. "Not gonna lie Chim, if Kook was ever to settle down, I figured it would be my sister he'd pursue. No doubt he loves her, but she's his best friend. And I think he's come a long way with you since you two have gotten back together. He gave you his blessing and threatened you if you hurt her like we expected him to" they both laugh, "but he said he better be the man of honor, so I'd say he's happy for you guys." Jimin sighs and runs his hands through his black locks. "I'm a nervous wreck man! I don't know why but...what if she says no?" Hobi laughs loudly while clapping. "Bro, wouldn't that be some shit!" Jimin glares at him but he keeps on laughing. "She's not gonna say no Chim. She's crazy in love with you. Always has been in some regard. You're the one man. Should have happened eight years ago but hey...at least it's happening." Jimin glares at him again and then smiles. "Shut the fuck up Hobes."

"What am I going to do?!" Y/n is pacing frantically as Eunchae tries to calm her down. "Why are you freaking out so bad Y/n? You love each other. Like, I wish I had a man that loved me like Jimin loves you. This is a little out of order but it's not a bad thing." Y/n sits on the couch and stares at the stick on the coffee table. Two blue lines. "Why can't I do this the right way? Like ever?!" Eunchae laughs and rubs her back. "Don't make me laugh Y/nnie." Y/n glares as her friend laughs. "It's not a bad thing Y/n. Stop freaking out. You're 32, he's 34, I'd think he'd wanted to be a dad long before now. I'm sure he's going to be so excited." Y/n looks at her friend with tears in her eyes. "I'm scared Chae. What if he doesn't want this and leaves me?" Eunchae hugs her and rubs her back trying to soothe her. "He's going to want this. He's definitely not going to leave you. I know it's probably scary but Jimin adores you and I know he's going to be so excited to find out he's going to be a dad. You just have to tell him." Y/n takes a deep breath and her phone rings. It's Jimin. She picks it up and tries to sound neutral when she answers. "Hello?" "Hey baby!" She smiles when she hears his voice. "So I talked to Zuho and he's going to keep Aeri again tonight because I have a surprise for you." Y/n is surprised. "Oh? What surprise?" Jimin laughs. "What didn't you get about the word surprise? I'm not saying anything except I'll pick you up at 7pm and dress warm." Y/n chuckles. "Dress warm huh? Ok." Jimin giggles and says, "ok baby, I can't talk, I have to get this choreo knocked out before I leave. I'll see you soon though. I love you." "I love you too" she replies and the call ends. "You can give him your surprise tonight after his" Eunchae cuts in, bringing
Y/n back to reality. "I'm afraid to ruin the night." Eunchae laughs. "Doubtful babe."

Jimin told her to dress warm so Y/n opted to wear a pair of thick leggings with a heavy oversized yellow sweater. She assumed his surprise was outside since it was autumn. She left her dark hair down and curled loose beach waves into it. She put on light make-up, never being one to wear a lot. She looked at herself and turned sideways to examine her flat tummy. She rubbed her hands over it saying, "well little one, I'm going to tell your Appa about you tonight. I hope he accepts you." She hears the front door open and pulls her sweater down and walks out of the bedroom. She smiles at her man who stands at the door wearing a pair of dark jeans, a navy sweater and an oversized white button down underneath, the bottom sticking out the bottom of the sweater. His hair, that has grown down almost to his jawline, was styled in neat waves and parted in the middle. He has his signature silver hoops in both ears and he just looks gorgeous. She can't help but blush and he notices. He smirks and says, "like what you see my love?" She nods her head and laughs. Walking up to him, she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. "Always" she seductively says. He growls and squeezes her ass. "Let's go before I throw you over my shoulder and take you to bed." She laughs and he grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers, and they head out. Once in the car she asks, "so where are we going?" He looks over at her and smirks but says nothing. "Silent treatment. I see..." she teases and he laughs. "You'll see soon enough so be patient baby." She smiles and watches him as he drives. She's so in love with him and still can't believe they're together again. And she's pregnant with his child now too. Her stomach does a flip when she thinks about it again. She's nervous of how he'll react but knows Eunchae was right, she has to just tell him. And do it tonight. She looks down at her purse, the pregnancy test tucked neatly inside in a wrapped box.

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