~Twenty One~

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Eighteen months later

"This doesn't even look like a birthday party Y/n. It looks a wedding." Y/n laughs as Hobi complains while setting up the tables in the garden in the back of FNC. "It does not! My baby is turning two and I'm excited about it. So quit bitching uncle Hobi and put these table clothes on." He grumbles and snatches the clothes from Y/n, causing her to laugh. She hears struggling and turns to see a man hidden by a mountain of balloons. "Where do you want these Y/n?" She runs over and helps him by taking some. "We can sit them over here until my parents get here with the archway to decorate it with." Jimin smiles and follows her to set the balloons down. "Ri is one spoiled little girl" he chuckles, getting a glare from Y/n. "And Zuho and I have done that all by ourselves? Who bought her her first Chanel bracelet?" Jimin laughs but shrugs. "I saw it and it screamed Aeri. How could I not get it for her?" She laughed and shook her head. "I blame you and Rowoon the most for making her a brat." Jimin clutches his chest, pretending to be hurt.
"Y/nnie....you hurt me!" She laughs and again and then they turn and Jimin cackles as they watch Hobi fighting the table clothes. "What the fuck?! Come apart you bastards! Y/n, I'm gonna kill Zuho when he gets here for skirting out on helping set up his daughters party." She runs over and helps him separate the table clothes, laughing. "He's not 'skirting out' of helping. They're recording. He can't help his schedule. They all went in really early though so they could be here for the party." Hobi rolls his eyes.

The past almost two years have been great. Aeri is turning two and is the princess of both HYBE and FNC. She's a spoiled little girl but she's adorable and steals every heart with her cute personality. She has grown to look more like Zuho than Y/n now. She's gorgeous but has his sharper features. Zuho still only gives one picture a month to fans and they've not had too difficult a time to keep her hidden and keeping her life as normal as possible. She's unaffected by her dad and all her uncles being famous idols. To her they're just her Uncle Woonie and uncle Tak, to name a couple. She's got a life surrounded by lots of protective uncles. Zuho and Y/n are still going strong and, although it took a while, Zuho and Jimin have become friends. Zuho was very hesitant and showed how unhappy he was that Y/n had allowed Jimin back into her life. It took him a few months to warm up to Jimin but once he had proven he wasn't out to steal Y/n away, Zuho calmed and they had actually become good friends. Jimin has never overstepped or did anything inappropriate, only being a friend to Y/n. He started dating and had dated a couple girls for a few months. But nothing ever stuck. Jimin was the old Jimin again though and Y/n was happy seeing him love his life.

"What's up asshole" Jungkook says as he slaps Jimin in the back of the head as he walks by him. Jimin rubs his head and glares at him. "Dick." Jimin and Jungkook has been more of a challenge. Jungkook was furious at Y/n for forgiving Jimin and didn't talk to her for about a month. Zuho finally called him and talked to him, saying if he could try to accept their friendship then Jungkook needs to try too. He gave in but their dynamic has always been a little edgy, and Y/n knew the two men would never be close like they used to. "Hey peach" Jungkook says as he wraps her in a hug and find his spot in her neck. She hugs him back. "Hey Kook. Be nice to Jimin. It's Aeri's birthday." He sighs and kisses her neck before standing. "That's as nice as I can give you." She glares at him and he shrugs and walks to Hobi. Jungkook is her best friend but he's also her most stubborn friend. "Doesn't Zuho get pissed when Jungkook is all up in your neck kissing it? I know I hated it." Jimin comes up as he's looking at Jungkook with a glare. Y/n laughs. "It's better than him kissing me on lips. I don't think anything of it, but Zuho didn't like it one bit so I put a nix to it. He told Zuho he claimed my neck years before he met me and was never giving his spot up and Zuho would have to just deal with it if he was secure enough." Jimin shook his head. "He's shameless." She nods but says, "yep! But that's Kook!" He chuckles and nods.

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