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Jimin didn't know what to do. Y/n was in front of him falling apart, but his sub was stuck to his bed. He kept looking back between both women, not knowing which direction to move to. If he tried to go to his sub to release her he was scared Y/n would rush out like she just almost did. But he couldn't just leave her there while he tried to beg and grovel. "Y/n, please...." He didn't know what to say. How to say this to her. "Please what Jimin? What could you possibly say? You've got a fucking naked woman tied to your bed! And there's fucking whips and shit everywhere! You like this shit?? What the fuck is this?!" Y/n felt herself falling. She couldn't think straight. She loved this man so much and this scene in front of her was gutting her. Jimin sighed, knowing there was no way out now and the truth is what she deserved. "This....this is only desire
Y/n." She looked at him confused. "Desire? What is?? Cheating?!" He looked at her pleading. "No! No, not cheating. Baby, please just.....ugh!...let me explain."
Y/n laughed and walked to a chair across from the bed and crossed her arms over her chest, ignoring the fact that he was stark naked in front of her with another woman's body fluids all over him. She wasn't thinking straight at all. She knew she needed to leave but she loved him so much and leaving terrified her deep down in her gut. She didn't know what to do. And she was pissed too. "Sure Jimin. Please explain." He knew this wasn't something he could properly explain to her right now, if ever. But this was the only chance he had. He looked at how calmly she sat in the chair and it scared the shit out of him. She shouldn't be this calm right now. He sighed and then said, "Y/n....this isn't cheating to me." She laughs again and nods, waving her arm urging him to continue. "This is BDSM. Like what we tried a few days ago. You didn't like it and that's ok! Totally fine. But....but I do like it. I've been doing this for years. It's not emotional baby, it's just sex. Just curbing a desire. No feelings at all. We are just players of a game. I love you. My heart is yours, I'm all yours." He didn't know what else he could say to try to make her understand how this worked for him. "So what are you, the dominant?" He nods. "And you like inflicting pain on woman to pleasure yourself?" "Myself and my sub. They consent and enjoy the pain. It's pleasure to them as well." Y/n then looked over to the woman who still laid silently on the bed. "You don't have any feelings for my fiancé?" She laughed. "He's a nice guy, and hot, but I'm married. I love my husband." Y/n was shocked. "You're married? And you do this?!" She smiles and nods. "He knows about it. He knows where my heart lies though. This is just filling a need. There's no feelings here, it's just sex. I'd never leave my husband. He understands and allows me to do this. He doesn't like it but trusts me and allows me to do it. Trust me honey, I don't want your man. I have my own amazing man at home."

Y/n couldn't wrap her head around this. There's no feelings? How is that even possible? How could you sleep with someone and there not be feelings?! Or at least not consider this cheating. She kind of got the feelings part, she never felt anything for Jungkook romantically. It was just sex. But they were both single. "Y/n? I swear I feel nothing for her, or any of my subs." Her head snaps back to Jimin, eyes ready to pop out of their sockets. And that pain of a knife to her heart sliced deep again. "Any of THEM?? How many of THEM have you had?!" He rubs the back of his neck, scared to be honest with her about this part. "I never keep one sub longer than three months. Three sessions." Y/n does the math and glares at him, feeling sick to her stomach. "So you've slept with five women since we met?!" He looks at his feet but nods. "Jesus Christ! You could have given me a disease!" "Hey! I'm not dirty honey! We all get tested before sessions to make sure we're all clean. I don't sleep around. I'm only with my husband outside of this. I'm not a slut!" Y/n scoffs at the ridiculous comment from the woman her fiancé had just been cheating on her with. Jimin comes to his subs defense. "Baby, she doesn't consider this cheating on her husband. None of us do because....this is just something we like and need." Y/n looks at him again, eyes narrowing. "You need this?" He looks down again but nods. "Ok then. Get your needs out." Jimin pops his head up and looks at Y/n. "What?" She keeps her eyes locked on his and says with no emotion, "fuck her then. Get your crazy kinks out, but I'm not leaving. You're MY fiancé. Prove to me there is no feelings involved. I'll be able to tell."

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