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Jimin stands and starts to dress, saying nothing else and Y/n doesn't either. She doesn't know what to say. She couldn't lie to him, it's not right. "Jimin" she says softly. He pulls his shirt over his head and looks back at her with a smile full of hurt. "It's ok Y/n. Don't worry. But I'm gonna go." He has tears in his eyes and Y/n wants to comfort him but can't make herself move. He smiles again, looking at her, then says, "I'll see you tomorrow." Then he turns and walks out of her bedroom. Y/n is internally freaking out. What's she supposed to do? Let him go? Go after him? Jimin walks to the door and slips his slippers off. His heart is aching. It's taking all he has to not break down, at least not until he's gone. Just as he's about to lean down to slide his shoes on he feels Y/n engulf him in a hug from behind. "Please don't leave Jimin. I-I don't want you to leave." He stands stiff. "Y/n don't....you don't have to do that. I'm really ok. Just tired and need to get home." She buries her face into his back and hugs tighter. "Don't lie to me. I deserve more than that. I didn't lie to you. I'm sorry I hurt you." He sighs and grabs her arms, pulling them from him. He turns around and paints on a smile. "You didn't hurt me Y/n. I'm really fine. I just have a full day tomorrow so I need to get home." Tears start to shine in her eyes and she shakes her head. "You're lying again. Don't lie to me. You brought dinner and we didn't even eat. You don't need to go yet. Let's just sit down and talk. Please?" Jimin wrestles with himself if he should talk or just leave. His heart is aching so bad. "Please?" She repeats and he looks at her beautiful dark does eyes that are wet with tears and they're no match for him. He sighs and nods, following her back into the living room. They both sit on the couch, Jimin keeping some distance. Y/n takes a deep breath and runs her hand through her onyx hair. "I'm sorry Jimin." "Y/n, please sto-" "let me finish Jimin. Please." She looks over at him with pleading eyes and he sighs and nods. "I used the condom with Jungkook. When he came for the long weekend to visit. It just happened and only the one time. It's no excuse but....you know how things are with me and him. It meant nothing. I promise." Jimin forms a pained smile. "You don't need to explain it to me. It's none of my business Y/n." She nods but quickly turns to shaking her head, her eyes now trained to her lap. "I do need to explain. I hurt you. And....I know I did because...." She looks up into his eyes "because I know you better than anyone. I know your moods by your faces, no matter how subtle. I know when you're really happy or faking it. I know when you're angry without you saying it. I know when you're hurting even when you're hiding it. You can't hide yourself from me just as I know I can't from you." His eyes drop their first tear. She breaks a little more at seeing him cry. He then smiles and chuckles, wiping his eyes. "I can't deny any of that. You do know me better than anyone. Even up until now. But...I'm fine Y/n. I don't deserve an explanation. You're a grown woman. You can do whatever you want." She sighs. He was hurting her with how he was deflecting. "I slept with Zuho too. The day before he left the very first time." She watches him carefully with this information. His eyes tell it all and she gasps. He's heartbroken. She can clearly see it. His fake smile falls only a bit, but the pain she sees in him at this information is killing her. "I see. Well...you two did date for almost five years. And he's Aeri's dad. It wouldn't be surprising if you two got back together." "We're not back together. And we never will be. It was like a goodbye. We both needed it to really end it and be ok. As stupid as that might sound." He nods, his eyes now looking at his hands on his lap. "I see. And I get it. But like I said already Y/n, you don't have to explain what you do to me. You're single and can sleep with whoever you want. I'm not your boyfriend anymore."

The pain laced in his words tore at her heart. "Jimin...." She says and he nods and smiles a fake smile again. He looks up to the ceiling and then stares straight ahead. "Y/n....please stop. I don't want to hear anything else. Ok?" His voice cracks and it pretty much sets in stone what's really going on. She scoots closer to him and he looks at her out of the corner of his eye. "Jimin...please look at me." He doesn't move so she asks again more pleadingly, "please?" He sighs and looks at the ground and then at her. She sees the hurt and tears and she's scared. But she has to know. "Can you be honest with me Jimin? And I mean 100% honest with me?" His brows knit as Y/n stares at him. He nods small. "Do you....do you have feelings for me?" His eyes widen slightly but they fall again, and then he nods. "Do you have feelings for me beyond a friendship?" Y/n watches his eyes well up with tears and again, he nods. "Do you still love me? I mean.....are you still IN love with me?" She watches now as tears stream down his cheeks and he nods, then looks down. Her eyes grow wide. "Oh....." she whispers. "I'm sorry" his voice cracks through his tears. She softens but is still shocked. "Did you ever fall out of love with me?" He shakes his head as more tears fell. She sits back and covers her mouth. He looks up and leans toward her looking worried and scared. "Please Y/n! Nothing has to change. I know it's been over with us for years. I'm ok with your decision and happy to just be friends. I'm sorry I tried to sleep with you....twice. But nothing has to change with us. We can keep being friends and forget about tonight. I'll try harder to get over you, I promise. Please don't kick me out of your life!" Jimin sounds desperate as he pleads with Y/n, not wanting to lose her, even as a friend.

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