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"Let's go mingle. Maybe....you can help me chat with Minhyuk some." Y/n looks at Sorin suddenly being all shy, smiles at her and nods. "Ok, let's go." The two ladies walk through the sea of bodies, saying hi to some they know, and make their way over to where Minhyuk is standing with Mingyu and a few other people. Minhyuk smiles as soon as he sees them and takes Y/n into a quick hug. "Holy shit! Miss boring has graced us with her presence at a party." Y/n laughs and punches her bosses arm, causing him to wince a bit. "Shut up! Just because I don't party every weekend doesn't mean I'm boring. Besides, Kook is supplying Sor and me with the alcohol tonight." "And I'm gonna use that to my advantage to get fucked up tongiht" Sorin says, smiling. Minhyuk looks over to Sorin and smiles while he licks his lips, not even trying to be discreet about checking her out. Y/n can tell right away he's attracted to her. And who wouldn't be? Sorin is the whole package. She's the epitome of what beauty is supposed to look like. She has long black hair that shines along with small dainty features. Her little button nose and large dark doe eyes entrances everyone. Not to mention her body, curves right where they should be....she's perfection. She knows she's beautiful too, but isn't the slightest bit vain about it. "You gonna introduce us to these beautiful ladies Hyuk?" Y/n looks to a man to Minhyuk's left and is taken aback a bit. He was hot!

The man was a little shorter than Minhyuk and Mingyu, but she could tell right away how fit he was. A trick of the trade. His stature was also smaller than the two men she knew already but he had this different appeal to him. He had dark blonde hair that was parted and sat just at his ears. He also had these full, plush, plump lips that she felt the urge to kiss. He had style too, dressed in tight black ripped jeans and a red Louis Vuitton button down shirt with a few buttons open at the top, allowing his collarbones to peek out. He had sliver hoops in both ears and he just screamed sex appeal. He was gorgeous. "Oh yeah, Y/nnie and Sorin, meet Jimin. Jimin, Y/n and Sorin. Y/n is one of my personal trainers." He smiled and bowed a little while extending his hand to her, then to Sorin, but kept his eyes on Y/n. She felt butterflies at how he was looking at her. "It's nice to meet you both. I'd ask if you needed a drink but clearly Jungkookie has you both covered. How about a refill?" Y/n smiled and nodded. "Sure. Sorin?" She looked at her friend who was shamelessly flirting with Minhyuk now. "Can you grab me a glass? I'll just stay here and chat." Y/n laughed as she watched the two interact. She could already tell they were both probably going to get lucky tonight.

She followed in front of Jimin to the kitchen, his hand lightly on her lower to back, guiding her. Once there she stood as he reached in the fridge and grabbed two beers, one for her and one for himself. Then Y/n went to the counter and grabbed a new glass while he got the wine out for Sorin's drink. As he fills the glass he asks, "so Y/n, tell me about yourself." She laughed and shrugged. "Um, I work at Minhyuk's gym as a personal trainer. I'm 23 and moved to Busan three years ago with Sorin. She's my best friend. We're from Gwangju. That's about it." Jimin looks at her and smiles. "What about you?" He smiles and hands her Sorin's glass. "I'm Park Jimin, always lived in Busan. I went to school with Jungkookie, we've been friends since grade school. I am 25 and am a dance instructor at Lavish Dance Studio. That's about it for me." They both laugh and walk back to the group, Y/n finding Sorin standing almost against Minhyuk now as his arm is loosely around her waist as they talk. "Your wine madam" Y/n teases and hands the drink to her friend. "Thanks sweets." She turns her attention back to Minhyuk and leaves Y/n standing awkwardly.

Her and Jimin continue to make small talk as they watch the crowd of people dance when she feels her waist engulfed with a set of strong arms. She knows immediately who it is and laughs. "Y/nnie, my baby!" Jungkook hugs her tight from behind and buries his face in her neck. She doesn't think a thing about the affection, this is just how he was. "Are you drunk already Kook?" She laughs. He releases her and kisses her neck, then stands upright. "Not even close peach. Hey Jiminie, I see you've met Y/n." Jimin smiled, burying the slight jealousy at their affection, and says, "I have. You've been hiding her I see." Jungkook laughs. "Not even hyung. She works at the gym, you've seen her a ton of times I'm sure." Jimin eyes her, her feeling a hint of seductiveness in his gaze, and says, "I don't know how I haven't noticed her there, she'd definitely have caught my eye." Y/n felt herself blush. "You were both there Tuesday." "I was in the private room half the day teaching stretching" Y/n counters. Jimin smirks and says, "I'm sorry I've never gotten to meet you until now. I'll be sure to never miss you again." Y/n blushes harder and Jungkook laughs while smacking Jimin in the back. "Be good hyung. Y/nnie is my baby." Jimin looks curiously at his younger friend. "Are you two dating?" Both of them start laughing and shaking their heads. "No hyung. I mean...." He glances at Y/n and smirks, "we did hook up a few times when she first started at the gym. But that's all it was and it ended pretty quick. She's like my sister, my closest girl friend. So I watch out for her. So be good." Jimin laughs as he can tell Jungkook isn't trying to tell him to stay away but still throwing caution. "I'm always good Jungkookie. I can't deny when I see a beautiful woman though." He looks at a blushing Y/n again, smiles, and continues, "and I think Y/n here might be the most beautiful I've ever seen. Ow!" He glares at Jungkook who had just pinched his arm and is playfully glaring at him. "She's not like that hyung. Try getting to know her first." That was a green light from his friend, as long as he didn't try to fuck her tonight. "I AM trying Jungkookie! You hurt me!"

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