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It's been almost five months since Y/n started her new job, and life. She loves her job at FNC and loves the members of both groups she works with. She works with both of them but, more often than not, she gets P1Harmony because they act up a lot and Yeji couldn't stand it. She didn't have any trouble getting on the guys when they horsed around when they were supposed to be working out. She gave them some leeway, everyone needs to be goofy and have some fun. But the more she gave the more they tried to take. So she'd end up having to be mean and put a stop to the horsing around. Yeji and Y/n didn't know why, but all six guys listened to Y/n way better than Yeji. Yeji says it's because Y/n is hotter but who knows the real reason why because Yeji is very pretty. She had gotten particularly close with Zuho, Youngbin, and Intak. Intak had quickly taken the role as like a younger brother to her. He called her noona all the time and he was just the sweetest. A couple of the other members tried to flirt and make derogatory remarks at times, but Intak never did. He was her favorite in their group although she'd never admit it. Youngbin and her hit it off the first day. He was very polite and approachable. He made her feel comfortable and had helped her a lot. She can see why he's their leader. He has quickly become like her new best friend in Seoul. She'd never tell Jungkook though. Zuho was also one she hit it off with right off the bat. He had lunch with her her first day and was very shy and sweet. Bin was right though, once Zuho is comfortable with you he'll talk your ear off. She enjoyed their talks though and in the past couple of months has found herself sitting in his small, cramped studio while he works talking until late into the night.

"So, what's the plan for the weekend Y/nnie?" Zuho asks as he powers down his computer and turns to her in his gaming chair. "No plans like always. Hang out at home. Binge watch a show. I don't know. Maybe drink alone until I pass out." Zuho laughs and claps his hands. "Don't get drunk and pass out alone. That's just sad." She laughs with him. "That's my life, you know this." "Why don't you go out and have some fun? Go out and have some fun for me too since I can't." She smiles at him, feeling bad how they can't just go out and do normal things guys their age are doing. "Not my scene Zuho. You know that. I'm a homebody." He nods then stares at her for longer than she was used to. Then he sits back and claps, startling her. "I got it! How about this Y/nnie. We have tomorrow off and I'm done today. What do you say you come to my apartment and we can watch Rowoonie's newest drama? You can stay the night, I have a spare room, and we can veg out tomorrow and do nothing together." She looks at him skeptically and he shrugs and gives her that cute/sexy look. "Better than being alone" he nonchalantly says as he sees her wheels turning. She smiles and stands. She doesn't even have to think about it long. Zuho has become a good friend. "Let's do it!"

Two hours later she finds herself in front of Zuho's apartment door banging on it louder than she needs to to be a pest. "Yah! Why do you have to try and beat my door down with those big muscles?" He playfully yells at her. She laughs and he steps back to let her in. "You didn't have any trouble getting up here did you? I told the front your name. No crazy fans or reporters?" She smiles and shakes her head. "I wouldn't know what a crazy fan looked like and I didn't spot any cameras." He shrugs and walks her into his living room. "We're not BTS, we don't have to hide and move in secret as much as them." She grabs his arm and hugs it. "Hey, you're very famous. Very sasaeng and Dispatch scandal worthy." He laughs and pulls her to the couch after he takes her bag and just tosses it down the hall. "Yah! What if I have breakables in there? You'll pay for what you break!" He flashes an adorable smile at her and replies, "what could you have possibly brought that could break? I'll gladly pay for anything I might have broken Miss Jung." Once they are sitting she removes her arm and he slaps her leg. "Hungry? Or start the drama?" "Start the drama. I ate some ramen when I went home. It's too late to eat now." He nods and grabs the remote. He grabs a blanket from a hidden drawer under his couch and drapes it over the both of them. They settle in and start Rowoon's new drama. "Gosh he's hot." She says and feels a push from Zuho. "Yah! Don't you know it's rude to talk about another man when you're with one in their home?!" She giggles and looks at his pouty face and pinches his cheeks. "I'm sorry. I think you're hot too though, ok? Better?" She watches his cheeks tint and pinches his cheeks one more time before turning back to the drama.

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