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"She's going to be a mom. Like any day now." Jimin looks down at his glass and swirls the whiskey that sits inside. "Wow" is all Namjoon can muster at Jimin's unexpected news. Jimin chuckles, "yeah." He looks at Namjoon and can tell he feels bad for him. "That had to be rough to see." Jimin nods. "That could have been my baby Joon. Should have been." Namjoon felt bad for his friend, he knows how much he's struggled since they split. And he knew that, even after over three years, he was still deeply in love with her. "I'm sorry man. Did she say why she's in Seoul?" Jimin shook his head. "We barely spoke. We were both too shocked that we saw each other I think. All I learned is that she's pregnant with an idols baby. I assume she's living here with him." Namjoon sighs. "I'm sure it has to sting Chim, but maybe this is what you've needed. To see that she's moved on. And she clearly has if she's about to pop out Baek Zuho's baby girl. Maybe this is what you needed to see to finally get some closure and move on." Jimin winces at what Joon says even though he knows he's right. "Too bad you couldn't tell her about the big changes in your life over the past three years. You're a completely different person now. Probably one she could be happy with." Jimin looked at Namjoon and glares. "Are you trying to rip my heart out Joon? I did it all for me, but for her. Gave up dom/sub stuff and worked hard to be a successful choreographer. And for nothing in the end." Namjoon pats his back. "Don't say that man. It wasn't all for nothing. You were basically driven out of Busan and look at how respected you are now here. Hell, even Hobi gets along with you. Obviously he was truthful when he said he's never told Y/n you were in Seoul and all you've accomplished, but look at the blessings you do have." Jimin rolled his eyes but nods. "Yes, I guess." "You never know, maybe you'll get the opportunity to choreograph something for SF9 and get to meet Zuho personally. I don't follow the group, but I've heard Zuho is a pretty good guy. Super nice and shit. A genuine person." Jimin glares at him. "Are you trying to make me feel better or worse?" Namjoon laughs. "All I'm saying is one piece of comfort you can take away from losing Y/n is knowing she's with someone who will be good to her." Jimin sighs. Namjoon was right. He's happy at least knowing she's happy and being treated right. Unlike he did for her.

Hello everyone. This is FNC Entertainment.

We are pleased to announce the birth of Zuho and girlfriend Y/n's baby last week. The couple welcomed a beautiful baby girl and both mom and daughter are doing fine and are home resting comfortably. Zuho would like to thank everyone who has shown love and support to him, Y/n and now to their daughter.

Zuho will be taking a break from all group activities to focus on spending time and getting to know his new daughter. We ask for your understanding and promise Zuho will return soon for the groups fansign next month. We ask for all FANTASY to respect Zuho's privacy as well during this time.

As always, FNC puts the health and safety of our artists first.

Jimin tosses his phone on the couch and sits back, running his hands through his hair and stares at the ceiling. She's a mother now. He's happy everything went fine during the delivery, but he's having a hard time wrapping his head around her having a baby. Having a family with someone else. He lets a few tears slide out, allowing himself to feel some of the pain of his lost love. He quickly gets himself together and stands and walks back to the middle of the floor. "I guess congratulations are in order hyung." He looks at Hobi who is talking to another choreographer. "Hm? For what Jiminie?" Hobi looks at him to see why he's being congratulated. "I just read you became an uncle on Twitter. Congratulations." Hobi's bright smiles falls and he sees the pain in Jimin's eyes and he can't help but feel bad for him. It's been over three years but he can still see how much his sister did mean to Jimin. He gives a small smile and nods. "You saw, and you know I see...Hm. Um yeah, she had the baby last week." Jimin nods. "And everything went ok? Her and the baby are doing fine?" Hobi smiles and nods. "Yep, both are doing great. Y/nnie is strong. So child birth was a breeze for her" Hobi laughs, trying to lighten the mood. Jimin chuckles and nods although the pain is still evident in his eyes. "That she is. Um...do you have any pictures of the baby?" Hobi looks at him like he's not sure it's a good idea. He knows very well how Jimin is still in love with his sister. They very briefly talked about it three years ago when they started working together, Hobi not wanting to let their personal issues affect their work. After listening to Jimin he felt a lot of sympathy for him. He was still pissed about what he had done, but seeing how much he genuinely loved his sister, and was broken still two years after their split, well.....he couldn't help but feel bad for him.

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