Cheater!Male!Reader x Female!Frisk

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"Hey, Y/n! I've missed you so much! Your warm and soft kisses are the best! Kinda why I need them now, I... had an unpleasant day today."

"Some idiot tried to get with me, but I told him I had you. But he didn't listen, he was about to grab me when Sans gave him a "bad time", hehe. Some people just don't listen."

Y/n: N-No... t-they d-don't.

"Anyway! Enough reading the letter and give me kisses!".

Y/n: I-I'm s-so f-fucked...

Yes, you are. Yes. You. Are.

Frisk had gotten home at this point and was crying into Toriel's cuddle. Toriel, was (of course), SUPER angry. So angry that she called Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys over to comfort Frisk. Once they arrived, Papyrus instantly comforted Frisk whilst Toriel explained.

Undyne: I knew it!

Sans: He's gonna have a bad time the next time I see him.

Alphys: I-I'm sorry you h-had to see t-that, he seemed nice.


Undyne: Yeah, he better!

Toriel: Frisk, should I visit him?

Frisk stopped hugging Papyrus and wiped her tears away.

Frisk: N-No, I'm not letting a-anyone hurt h-him. W-Why are you a-all s-so protective? People c-cheat all t-the time.

Undyne: Why are you defending him?


Frisk then stormed upstairs and slammed her bedroom door shut. She flopped face-first onto her bed and cried even more.


Frisk's phone had gone off a minute later. She took it out of her pocket and wiped her tears away so she could see what it was. Frisk saw it was a text from you, she felt like crying but decided to read it.

"Hey Frisky, I'm sorry. I know nothing will justify my actions, but maybe we could talk about it. If you don't, then... I'm sorry and I love you. If you do wanna talk about it, meet me at the park. I'll be under our tree. ❤"

Frisk wearily smiled and got up from her bed. She put her phone back into her pocket before leaving her bedroom. She walked downstairs and made her way to the front door before Sans stopped her.

Sans: Where are you going?

Frisk: Why do I have to tell you?

Sans: So I know you're safe.

Frisk: I'm getting some fresh air to clear my thoughts.

Sans: Heh, why didn't you just say that? Stay safe.

Frisk: Mhm. Don't follow me.

Sans: It's your breather, isn't it?

Sans let go of Frisk and she left the house. Frisk then started to walk to the park, thinking about what to do and what to say. But she most importantly thought about what you were going to say, and if she truly would forgive you for cheating.

Frisk reached the park 5 minutes later and saw you sitting under a tree on a hill. So she started to walk up the hill, but then the floodgates of questions came into her mind. "Does he still love me?" "Does he deserve a second chance?" "Do I even love him?". But all of that would be answered in a matter of minutes.

Frisk reached the tree and looked at you, not with joy, but with sadness. You didn't look or say anything to Frisk, so she just sat down next to you.

Y/n: Frisk... I don't want to seem like a know-it-all, but... our relationship was dying...

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