Part 40

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Mias POV:
I went upstairs to the room we were both staying in and closed the door, making sure I didn't lock it because it would be unfair on him. Despite everything, I still pitied him more than I knew I should. I could hear him speaking with Kelce downstairs.

He sounded frantic and borderline manic, but I knew I'd created the problem, I couldn't go downstairs and forgive him right away. He needed to learn when things hurt me. And this had.

Rafe was the least of my worries. With Topper out of jail and trying to find me, to apologise, I knew I couldn't even linger in any windows for too long for fear of being seen.

One week. And we'd have our own house. If we were even still together by then. I laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, running my hand softly over my bandage, covering the bullet wound.

'Mia, Mia, i need you to open the door, ok?' Rafe called from outside, sitting down to lean against it.

'It's not locked, Rafe.'

'But I don't want to just walk in. I want you to open it because you want to speak to me. Tell me you want to speak to me.' He begged.

'You're not in a good state at all.' I mumbled, getting up from the bed and opening the door, my heart shattering when I saw him on the floor.

He was hanging his head extremely low, his knees pulled up to his face, his arms supporting his head just about. I knelt down besides him, giving his hand a squeeze, forcing him to look up at me.

He smiled. A real genuine smile, one that was extremely hard to get out of Rafe nowadays.

I pulled him up from the floor and he was mumbling complete nonsense. I ignored most of it, considering it wasn't even real words, and helped him into bed.

'Are you gonna sleep with me?' He asked, sitting up and pulling the duvet to the side.

'You're drunk right now, Rafe, and also a little high.' I sighed.

'I'm not. I promise.'

I looked him up and down for a second, before climbing into bed with him. I knew that ignoring him would make him feel so much worse. I didn't want him to do anything crazy in the night. He needed to sleep it all off.

'I'm so sorry I can't be the man that you want you to be.' He murmured, rolling towards me so that his head was on my shoulder, so that he could whisper into my ear.

'Fuck me, Rafe.'

He looked at me, a mix of horror and pleasure. He wasn't sure if it was a trick question. It wasn't. I needed to feel attached to him again, to feel the desperation to have each-other that we both did during sex.

'No, no you're hurt.' He stuttered, sitting up and staring down at me.

'Well then be gentle.' I responded, lifting my hand up to make contact with his chest, running my fingers down his body.

'Are you sure this is what you want?' He asked, his voice quavering as he sat up, moving so that he was in front of me.

'I need to feel close to you again, Rafe.'

He frowned, moving away from me laying down besides me, looking almost hurt.

'I'm not having sex with you just because you feel like that's the only way to solve an argument.' He snapped.

'That isn't what I meant.' I sighed.

'Look, I'm in love with you. I'm so fucking in love with you.' He whispered, moving a hair from my face and kissing the place that it sat.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now