Part 28

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Mias POV:
I got home and began rooting through all of my clothes, throwing any golf skirts and tops into one pile. I heard my front door open and close, footsteps approaching my room, and I knew exactly who it was.

'Are you decent? Damn, it's nothing I've not seen before.' Rafe shouted, opening the door before I even got a chance to respond to him.

He looked between me and the floor, furrowing his eyebrows at the amount of tennis skirts I had lying around.

'Going for a game?' He asked, scratching awkwardly at the back of his neck.

'No, I'm just sorting out my wardrobe.' I lied, beginning to fold my skirts, putting them in a pile on the floor.

'Hey look, I'm here to apologise.' He sighed, sitting down on the edge of my bed, slithering his hand in between mine, stopping me from what I was doing.

'Rafe I'm really so so close to having to forget that you exist.' I sighed, regretting it instantly.

He let go of my hand, looking at me with his eyes full of hurt.

'Look, I didn't mean that, but I-' I began, and he cut me off, talking over the top of me.

'Mia, just shut up and let me speak, okay?' He said firmly, pulling me up and sitting me on his lap, resting his head on my shoulder.

'I was meant to go and meet Barry, but I got to his trailer and he wasn't there. I called him, he said he was at the movie night. So I met him there.' He began, starting his story.

'I got a little drunk, I'll admit that. And I was mad. I was mad at myself for not being able to stomach looking at you, Fuck, I was mad for walking away from you.' He sighed, rubbing his hand in circles along my arm.

'Why didn't you just stay?' I whispered.

'I couldn't. I couldn't sit and look at what I'd let him do to you, whilst I was just outside. I should've known better.' He mumbled.

'This wasn't your fault.'

'Mia I'm so in love with you, that any scratch you get on your body, is my fault. I promised myself I'll never let you get hurt again, that id protect you. And your own best-friend nearly murdered you.' He said, getting agitated.

'I get that you were mad. But to threaten JJ, with the murder weapon? After everything I've done to try and cover what you did up.' I said, getting off of his lap and continuing to fold my skirts.

'I know, I know it was crazy. It was in my coat, I had no idea it was in there until I put my hand into my pocket and pulled it out.' He exclaimed.

'Why JJ? What did he do to you?' I asked, narrowing my eyes as I continued to grill him.

'I was mad that he was with you on the dock the other day. I thought that because I wasn't able to stop Topper hurting you, you'd not love me anymore. I thought that's why you were talking to him.' He muttered.

I looked through my pile, finding a light pink tennis skirt and a white shirt, putting them together before taking the rest to my wardrobe.

'But you know I'd never do that, Rafe. I didn't give you a single indication that I don't love you anymore. In-fact, that's all you kept doing.' I reminded him, slamming the wardrobe door a little too hard.

'What do you mean?'

'Not even sitting with me whilst I was passed out in my own bed? Leaving me alone whilst you went to get drunk? Continuing to sneak drugs from Barry behind my back? That's not love.' I sighed, putting my hand into his coat pocket, expecting to find the pills Barry had promised him, but finding nothing.

'I told you, I wasn't going to get them. But if we want to talk about someone who broke their promise. Why were you with Kie and JJ today?' He asked, standing up and walking to the window.

I bit down on my lip, not liking to see him mad but knowing he had a point. I promised I'd stay with Kelce, but went out of my way to see JJ just to wind him up. Little did I know he'd have his lapdog spying on me.

'You're all I've fucking got, and I mean that. I'm tryna make things work but I need you to help me out here, okay?' he asked firmly, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my body.


'I love you so much it hurts.' He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine, reminding me why we were together, why I loved him.

'I love you too, Rafe. But one more stunt like that and no amount of sweet words is gonna be able to change my mind.' I said firmly.

He saluted me and I scowled, not sure that he was taking me seriously. He dropped his smirk, sitting down on the windowsill and watching the boats float far out at sea.

'I was just mad. I couldn't take it out on Topper, I had to take it out on this fucked up world. I've killed to save you, and now I'd happily die to save you.' He said, almost as if he was in his own world, forgetting I could hear him.

'That's just stupid.'

'No, see it's not, okay? You've been mine for years Mia, so many fucking years. I can't lose you now.' He said, getting up and beginning to pace.

'The only way is if you keep doing stupid stuff like that, getting arrested.' I pushed.

He span to face me, his frantic eyes not looking away from me, making me feel all kinds of emotions.

'I'm sorry, okay? Mia I'm so fucking sorry. Promise me you're not gonna leave because I can't be in this shitty world without you.' He panicked, pulling me into a hug, his hands trembling as he clung onto my arms.

'Hey, calm down Rafe. I'm not going anywhere. Have I ever left you?' I asked, pulling away for long enough to see his face.

His look softened as he realised I was right. 19 years, and not once had we done wrong by eachother, left eachother. Rafe had stood by me since he could walk, and despite how dumb he could be, I knew I had to do the same.

'Are you calm now, Rafe? I'll run you a shower.' I said, squeezing his shoulder, walking towards my bathroom.

'I'm sorry for lying to you. I promise, It'll never happen again. Fuck, I thought you'd leave me for good.' He said, running his hands through his hair.

I looked up at him, smiling, wrapping one arm around his waist and using the other to turn on the shower. His whole demeanour changed when he noticed the out of place smile on my face, furrowing his eyebrows.

'Wipe that stupid ass smile off your face, you scared the shit out of me.' He teased, placing both of his hands on the top of my head and kissing it.

'I like to keep you on your toes. Fancy a game of golf tomorrow? 10:30?' I asked, taking off his shirt for him.

'That's a little specific. We got something on? A tournament?' He asked.

'No no, Kelce wanted me to ask you.' I shrugged, trailing my finger along his abs.

'Yeah, I'll play a game of golf. At 10:30. Exactly.' He smirked, taking off my tshirt, waiting for me to take off my shorts before pulling me into the shower.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat