Part 6

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Mias POV:
'Do you fancy dropping me off at John B's house or do you want me to get him to come here?' I asked, knowing his answer already.

'He's not coming anywhere near this house, I'll drop you off.' He replied, looking at me as if I was stupid for even suggesting it.

Rafe grabbed his keys from my bedside table and took my hand, walking me downstairs to my kitchen.

'Bad storm last night guys, you manage to sleep?' My dad asked, looking at our intertwined hands.

'Just about dad, Rafe's dropping me off to see John B.' I said, hoarsely. My dad nodded, looking at Rafe to see his glum face.

'Don't worry son, she's all yours in a week or so.' My dad said, tapping him on the shoulder.
Rafe didn't reply, unlocking the car for me and letting me go out first.

'You know, I'm so pissed off that they had to get you involved. I could've squeezed some info outta him.' Rafe said, cocking a gun and putting it on his dashboard.

'You're not gonna need that Rafe, trust me.' I said, picking it up and chucking it into the glovebox.

'You can't handle a gun like that, Mia.' He said, protectively starting the car and putting one hand on my thigh.

'I wouldn't need to grab it like that if you didn't bring it.' I replied, snapping my head to look at him.

'Mia. I don't give a fuck how much my dad wants that gold, I cannot let him touch you again, and it's as simple as that.' Rafe said, almost thinking he was being smart.

'That's so dumb, Rafe. He's not gonna tell me anything if you're around. You're gonna drop me off down the road and I'm gonna walk home later tonight.' I instructed, pointing to a side road for him to pull into.

'No, you'll be there for an hour. And then I will pick you up.' He said, stopping the car and pulling me to face him.

'Okay.' I whispered.

'Promise me, you'll be here in an hour, sharp?' He asked, holding my hands tightly.

'I promise' I said, rolling my eyes at the amount he was questioning me.

'If you're not, you'll be in trouble, right?' He said, once more.

I leant forwards and kissed him softly, before unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car.

'One hour!' Rafe shouted, honking his horn and turning towards Barry's trailer.

I ran as fast as I could to John's house, not even bothering to knock on the door. I didn't have long.

'Oh hey, someone's excited.' JJ laughed, throwing me an unlit blunt.

I looked down at it, disgusted, and he threw me a lighter.

'Smoke it Mia, you're gonna need it. We've had a breakthrough.' John said, leaning forwards on the sofa, laying out a map similar to the one I'd given him, this time with coordinates.

34o 57'30 North and 75o 55'42 West

'How did you find that?' I whispered, running my hand along the x on the map.

'The locket you gave me, my fathers. It was a compass. He passed it through generations, he'd written Redfield on the back, I found this map in my great great grandmothers grave.' He smiled, holding up an envelope.

'Don't forget to tell her about the tape.' JJ said, leaning forwards and lighting the blunt for me, annoyed that I'd not yet done it for myself.

I closed my eyes and smoked it, coughing slightly.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now