Part 33

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Mias POV:
I frantically shook my head, trying to kick free from the ropes that held me to the chair. Rafe was going to sacrifice himself for me. I couldn't breathe, let alone speak due to the gag in my mouth, and when I eventually managed to wriggle it free from my face, I didn't know what to say to make this all better.

'I don't want to kill you. I want you to suffer, and for you to suffer, you need to watch her die. Maybe I'll kill you after, it depends how I feel.' He shrugged, untying me and kicking me to the ground, chuckling as my face hit the floor.

Rafe rushed forwards to grab me, pulling me into his arms and frantically telling me that it was all okay, kissing me all over before burying my head into his chest, looking up at Felix.

'You crossed a real line when you came in here. I'd let you hurt me over and over, but you're never to come near my girl again, do you fucking hear me?' He asked angrily, picking up his gun from the floor and pointing it at his face.

'Please don't kill him.' I whispered, clutching at his shirt.

Two gunshots went off at the same time..

I screamed from the sound ringing in my ear, but also from the pain. I didn't know I'd been hit until I felt the blood ooze from my chest, and saw the angry tears begin to fall from Rafe's eyes.

I heard a thud as Felix's body fell down besides me. Rafe had the more accurate shot. He was dead, I was just injured. Sirens were getting closer, as Kelce stood on the phone, trying to shout directions to the officers on the other end.

Everything was moving in slow motion as Rafe picked me up and carried me from the room, his own arm bleeding out. He didn't care about himself, he just wanted me to be safe.

I screamed out as I accidentally moved my body, the pain surging through me in unbearable waves.

'Hey, listen to me. I don't want you to fall asleep, okay? Stay awake for me angel.' Rafe panicked, holding onto my face and trying to keep me awake.

My eyes were opening and closing as I frantically tried to stay awake. But I couldn't. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but nothing came out. All I could see was the panic and hurt in his eyes as he grabbed at my face, trying to keep me awake.

Paramedics rushed into the house, trying to take me from him. He argued, not letting go of me for one second, despite them picking me up and taking me towards the ambulance. He was shouting now, fighting off a paramedic who was holding up a cannula, insisting that he needed to put it into my hand to keep me alive.

'She fucking hates needles! Please there has to be another way. She's scared.' He shouted, pushing his way into the ambulance and sitting besides me, holding my head up as it lulled around.

I opened my mouth to speak, thinking he'd heard me as he snapped his head in my direction, taking his eyes away from the argument he was having and looking at me.

But that wasn't what he was looking at. My heart monitor was speeding up, the beeps getting louder and louder as they consumed me. I felt us speed up, as Rafe began to panic, turning to look for answers, his mouth open wide as he tried to regain the strength to look at me again.

But when he did my eyes were closed. The energy to keep them open was too much for me. I couldn't look at him anymore. He was heartbroken, and I knew that I'd hurt him more than I ever would if I was to walk away from him.

'Talk to her, sir, it'll help her calm down and hopefully lower her heart rate.' The man told him, making way for Rafe to sit besides me.

He did so without having to be told again, grabbing at my hand, letting me know that he was there. I opened my eyes again, barely able to move, but able to keep them glued on him, watching him at all times, able to notice any movement or change in demeanour that he had. I was looking for a sign that I was going to be okay.

He didn't give me any of that, instead, all I saw in his eyes were heartbreak. That was what Felix wanted him to feel, and it what he was feeling. Heartbreak.

'Rafe, I'm okay.' I choked, holding onto his hand tight, wanting him to calm down.

He shook his head, letting go of me for one second just to clutch angrily at his hair, looking down at my stomach before looking away again, his face practically green.

'I'm so fucking sorry, Mia. It should've been me. Idve died for you and I'm so sorry I didn't.' He whispered, holding my face close and letting his nose touch mine, closing his eyes, one tear falling onto my face.

'I'd never want you to die for me.'

'You shouldn't be going through this. I tried to tell this fucking idiot that you hate needles, but he didn't listen. I'm so sorry.' He breathed heavily, shooting the paramedic an angry look.

I glanced down at my hand and my heartbeat sped up again, as I noticed the needles sticking into my skin. The ambulance parked and the doors opened, Rafe climbed out first before stepping aside so that I could be rushed into the hospital.

'Where is he? Please let me see him.' I said hoarsely, looking around for my boyfriend.

'You're being rushed into surgery, Mia. You can see him after.' The paramedic said, an apologetic look on his face.

'Make sure you look at his arm, he was shot too.' I responded.

'He won't let anyone look at him until he's sure you're okay.'

'Please just let me tell him I love him.' I freaked out, a mask being lowered to my face. Gas, to send me to sleep, for the operation.

My eyes began to droop, as the deep sleep got closer and closer. I could hear his voice. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming, but I could hear him.

'Let me fucking see her! You can't take her into fucking surgery without me saying goodbye! Move out of my fucking way!' Rafe shouted, outside of the door.

'Sir, she's under anaesthetic right now, give her a few hours and then you'll be able to see her.'

'Please tell me she'll live. She can't die. She can't die, fuck.' He said, breathing heavily.

'She'll be fine, sir.'

'I wish it was me. Idve taken the bullet to the head for her. She doesn't deserve any of this.' He responded, his voice disappearing as I slipped into a medicated sleep.

Or was it death? I wasn't quite sure on the difference anymore.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now