Part 32

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Mias POV:
I pulled away from Kelce, running upstairs to Rafe's bedroom, looking around frantically, half expecting my boyfriend to be bleeding, or dead on the floor. The room was dark, and so I couldn't see much. I was grabbed by the shoulders and pulled into the bathroom, the door being locked behind us.

I couldn't scream, as my mouth was covered with their free hand. The light turned on, and I was extremely relieved to see it was Rafe who had grabbed me, pulling me to safety. He was angry, I could see it in his eyes. He looked me up and down, checking that I was okay, before letting go of my arm.

'What the fuck are you doing?' He hissed, tucking his gun into his pocket and reaching under his sink for a first aid kit.

He was bleeding. Blood was dripping from his arm all over the floor. My mouth hung open as I realised it was not Rafe who had pulled the trigger. Felix was running free inside of the house, and we had no idea where he was.

'Let me do that for you.' I whispered, taking the bandages from his hand and ripping off enough for his wound, wrapping it right around his arm and tying it off.

'Mia you're fucking insane. I told you to stay hidden and you ran up here like that?' He asked angrily, wincing as I pulled his bandage tighter to make sure it was secure.

'I knew you were hurt.' I responded bluntly, letting go of his arm and sitting down on the edge of the bath.

'I want you to stay here, okay? You're gonna pull the shower curtain over and you're gonna hide until I come and get you.' He whispered, holding me by the chin and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

'Please don't leave.' I responded, reaching for his hand, holding it tight.

'I've gotta go and find him, he's still here. You should've stayed downstairs like I told you to.' He said firmly, helping me into the bath, pulling the curtain over.

'Sit tight baby, I'll be back in a few minutes.' He muttered, turning off the lights and pulling the door closed, leaving me in silence.

I tried so hard to keep quiet, worried that breathing would give away where I was hiding. I heard Rafe's footsteps fade, and for 10 minutes did not hear another sound. Until those footsteps returned, stopping outside of the bathroom door.

I clasped at my own mouth, keeping myself quiet as the door opened, and the curtain was pulled back. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to know if it was my boyfriend or the intruder. I was grabbed silently by the collar of my jumper, pulling me from the bath and dropping me to the floor.

That was when I realised something was wrong. I felt a cold barrel being pressed against my head, and I knew that it was Felix who had found me, and not Rafe. I opened my eyes to look at him, horror flooding through my veins as I saw the blood dripping down his face. He must've escaped Rafe just before he'd managed to kill him. He was unrecognisable.

'You didn't tell me that he was your boyfriend.' He said, breathing heavily as he turned on the light, standing me up and walking me to the bedroom, throwing me down onto a desk chair.

'I didn't think it mattered.' I shot back, rubbing at my skull as he pushed the gun harder into my temple.

'You made me think I had a chance.'

'I didn't think you'd be crazy enough to hunt me down.' I shot in response.

'You'd better get your mouth under control before I shoot you.' He chuckled, pulling some rope from his pocket, tying my hands and my legs around the chair until I couldn't move.

'Where is he?' I whispered, beginning to freak out as a piece of fabric was wrapped around my mouth, concealing any future sound I was to make.

'We'll find out.' He responded, switching on the main light, and letting out a small laugh, as hurried footsteps made their way towards the bedroom.

The door burst opened and my heart sank. He'd fallen into the trap, and I was the bait. Rafe held his hands out in surrender, something that I'd never seen him do. Maybe it was because Felix held a gun to my head, or because this intruder was standing in his very own bedroom.

He was sweating, blood was seeping from his bandaged bullet wound. He needed to go to hospital before it got infected.

'Step away from her, okay? Nobody needs to get hurt.' Rafe said, breathless, taking one step closer, telling me with his eyes that it was gonna be ok.

'But people have already been hurt, Rafe. Sheriff Peterkin? That was my sister. You killed her! She had a husband, a family. You ripped that away from her.' He responded, getting more and more worked up as he explained it.

It all made sense. Felix wanted to get the same revenge on Rafe, that his family had to endure. He wanted his sisters murderer to lose the girl he cared for the most. He wanted to break the heart of the guy who broke his family's.

'Look, I don't know what you've heard, but I didn't do it. I didn't kill anybody.' Rafe responded, getting out his own gun and holding it at Felix's head, knowing that he wasn't going to let me go.

I heard running as Kelce broke free from his hiding spot, stopping dead in the doorway when he saw what was happening before him.

I tried to speak but I was muffled by the cloth, and a small knock around the head from the back end of his gun told me to shut up. That sparked an anger in Rafe that I'd only ever seen once or twice.

'Get the fuck away from her.' Rafe warned more seriously this time, loading his gun and pointing it at the intruders face.

Felix chuckled, running a tough finger along the skin of my face, leaning down and leaving a small kiss on my cheek, watching as I squirmed away from him.

Rafe stepped forwards in anger, but was pushed backwards when the end of the gun was held at his forehead, forcing him to stand and watch what was unfolding infront of him.

I looked at him for help, but I knew deep down that I'd done this. If I had stayed downstairs, hidden, in silence. We'd all be okay. Or maybe not. Rafe had been shot once already and if I hadn't escaped, he could be dead.

These thoughts were pushed from my head when Felix spoke up again, saying the one thing I did not want to hear.

'I'm gonna kill her, right here in-front of you. I'll make you watch as the life drains slowly from her eyes. I want you to feel the heartbreak.' He said slowly, pushing his finger softly on the trigger, not enough to ignite the gun, but enough to show that he wasn't kidding.

'Kill me.' Rafe said, his hands shaking as he put his gun down on the floor, holding his hands back up in mercy.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum